/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2016
286779FINAL ROUND - Act 3Gerardo is confused, panics, and fights and trains.Fight Quest, Punch, Gangs, violence, fight fight fight2016-06-24 1 
July 2016
311211FINAL ROUND - Act 4Gerardo trains, loves, and generally was tricked! Oh goodness.Fight Quest, Punch, Gangs, violence, fight fight fight, other punch, lewd2016-07-04 1 
339231FINAL ROUND - Act 5Gerardo gets into a shitty situation, but then breaks something and it's cool. Fights.Fight Quest, Punch, Gangs, violence, fight fight fight, other punch, flex, alley2016-07-11 1 
357913FINAL ROUND - Act 6Gerardo narrowly doesn't get fucked up, feels emotionally drained, chills for a bit.Fight Quest, Punch, Gangs, violence, fight fight fight, other punch, flex, lot, female2016-07-21 1 
393590FINAL ROUND - Act 7Gerardo remembers the old days and gets a dog maybe? (yes.) Kind of a short one.Fight Quest, Punch, Gangs, violence, fight fight fight, other punch, flex, lot, female, dog, doggo2016-07-27 1 
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