/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2009
4074532A fantastic carnivalThe party is taking a break this session, and the DM is wondering what a carnival would be like in D&D. Also, many strange magic items are posted.carnival, magic items, D&D2009-03-25 5 
May 2009
4657047ITT: Useless or nearly useless magic itemsAwesome Magic ItemsItems, Magic Items, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-25 8 
4680279Quirky magic items thread (Mostly UselessMore quirky, useless, or nearly useless magic items.Items, Magic Items, Quirky, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-27 13 
January 2011
13380360Seemingly useless magic itemsSEEMINGLY uselessD&D, magic items, items2011-01-04 2 
13448007Warehouse 23, BRITFAG EDITIONAnon proposes a Warehouse 23 thread , populated by underused and cheesy '60's scifi relics. Awesome ensues.Warehouse 23, science fiction, magic items, artifacts2011-01-09 3 
December 2011
17078465Extremely minor magical itemsa "bargain bin" which includes magical items of dubious usefulnessmagic items,bargain bin2011-12-02 12 
March 2013
23458310Silly Magical ItemsA great compendium of ridiculous but amusing magical items. humor, magic items, silly, magic, items2013-03-03 17 
October 2013
27972566Technomages and Magical ItemsMagical item creation thread evolves into a discussion of a setting that blends magic and programmingtechnology, magic items, fluff2013-10-28 7 
February 2014
30001078If you had a vorpal grindstone...Using a powerful artifact to turn the world into a hellish deathtrap, but there's no need to lose your head about it.Vorpal, Wizards, Dullahans, Magic Items, Artifact, Baking2014-02-04 16 
30030833Minor magic items. Again.I hear that's what the kids be doing these days.useless magic items, magic items, minor magic items, magic, items, loot, useless loot2014-02-05 6 
April 2015
39277228Post a picture, get wouldbuilding written for itPost a image of a creature, magical item or character. The anon below must worldbuild fluff for it. Awesome worldbuilding results.fluff, backstory, worldbuilding, monsters, characters, magic items,2015-04-12 2 
December 2015
44172416Modern Day Magical ItemsIn this thread /tg/ plays a little game, making up paranormal powers and properties for mundane modern day objects. Some are wonderful, some are wicked, but all are pretty weird.Magic items, modern fantasy, brainstorming, surreal2015-12-15 6 
July 2016
48256869Useless or nearly useless magic/special itemsAnons discuss and create enchanted items with fun, but almost always useless (if in hands of uncreative man), properties.magic items, useless magic items, brainstorm, fantasy2016-07-14 3 
48412026Useless Magic Item ThreadAnons come up with useless magical itemsMagic Items, Useless, Funny2016-07-26 5 
December 2017
2092597MAR Quest 1Onishi Kana beats up bullies before being teleported into a world of fairy tales and legends. Teams up with Pirates and kicks ass!MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-03 5 
2144304MAR Quest 2Kana changes clothes, trains up, and deals with the Chess's nefarious activities.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-25 5 
March 2018
2355222MAR Quest 4Kana meets with the important members of the Cross Guard and spars, while a certain Pawn wakes up to a pleasant surprise.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, Albern Aylmer, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-03-12 3 
April 2018
2404605Mar Quest 5Kana does her morning routine.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-04-02 2 
September 2018
2859733MAR Quest 6Cecily returns from her training and the Chess separate the wheat from the chaff.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-09-14 2 
October 2018
2981741MAR Quest 7Kana unwinds after the deadly prelim roundMAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-10-30 1 
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