/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2009
6880035Motherfucking (Dragon) Quest ThreadA dragon hatches and is greeted with the sight of a cave with several dead dragon wyrmlings. It sets out on an adventure and discovers some local history."Red dragon, Black dragon, Goblin, Wolves, Cave2009-11-27 3 
January 2013
22410499Red Dragon Quest #5Fighting the rest of the adventuring party (Paladin, Rogue, Cleric). Part 4 on foolzRed Dragon Quest, dragon, red, quest, collective game2013-01-05 17 
22531080Red Dragon Quest 6We make preparations for moving out, whilst dealing with our whiny elves and beloved sister.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red Dragon2013-01-12 13 
22663639Red Dragon Quest 7We fight a Bronze Dragon and gain some Lizardmen.Red Dragon Quest, red dragon, red, dragon, Collective Game, bronze, suahagin, lizard men2013-01-19 13 
22680270Red Dragon Quest 8We ambush a Silver dragon and strike a deal with our sister.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Silver, Kobold2013-01-20 16 
22791054Red Dragon Quest 009Tiamat shows us her favour and we suck up like the good chromatics we are.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Names, Planning2013-01-26 15 
22803291Red Dragon Quest 010The Red Dragon, a "mysterious sorcerer", foils pirate plans and moves to take control of the City.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, Illusions, sorcerer, deception2013-01-27 13 
February 2013
22920665Red Dragon Quest 011Having taken control of the island, the Red Dragon consolidates his power and implements his policies.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, power, gained, consolidation, policies, governing2013-02-02 17 
23324585Red Dragon Quest 12We prepare to give the sahuagin their comeuppance.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon2013-02-23 16 
May 2013
24573876Japanese and other foreign gamesDiscussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input.Meikyuu Kingdom, Make You Kingdom, Golden Sky Stories, Yuyake Koyake, Night Wizard, Tenra Bansho Zero, Nechronica, Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers, Maid RPG, Sword World, Ryuutama, Red Dragon, Record of Lodoss War, Double Cross, Shinobigami, Japanese gaming, Japanese TRPGs2013-05-06 10 
October 2020
4482313Bored Dragon QuestA bored dragon tries to add some fun into her life.Collective Game, Bored Dragon Quest, Larro2020-10-07 5 
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