/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2016
834492A Wizard and his TowerDude gets OP as fuck wizard powers, goes off to build himself a wizardly tower. Shenanigans ensue.Collective Game, Wizard, Tower, Wizard Tower, A Wizard and his Tower, Al, not AI, Bob2016-11-23 45 
December 2016
879174A Wizard and his Tower #2Bob kills some things and learns some other things. He fucks up a little and gets attacked. Also, shadowruns and Skittles.Collective Game, Wizard, Tower, Wizard Tower, A Wizard and his Tower, Al, not AI, Bob2016-12-06 20 
920036A Wizard and his Tower #3Bob visits the nearby town, then OP dies a lot.Collective Game, Wizard, Tower, Wizard Tower, A Wizard and his Tower, Al, not AI, Bob2016-12-19 11 
January 2023
5486321Wizard Tower 1Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 50 challenges of the Wizard Tower.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-01-22 6 
February 2023
5529930Wizard Tower 2Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 23 remaining challenges of the Wizard Tower.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-02-21 3 
March 2023
5576095Wizard Tower 3We make our way through the final floors of the Wizard Tower, then back out the other way.wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest2023-03-27 4 
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