/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2010
10067750/tg/erman/tg/ discusses the beauty of the German language. german, language, names, arnold2010-05-26 -2 
March 2012
18494848Demi Quest IWe are Arnold McGraff, newly minted Demi pilot! A slow start, but we make friends with a sniper, and affirm our patriotism.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Arnold McGraff, McGraff, Demi2012-03-29 1 
18516112Demi Quest IIWe are Arnold McGraff, a man of the Empire, and we pilot a giant mechanical axe murderer. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Arnold McGraff, McGraff, Demi2012-03-31 1 
August 2013
26841210Gundam AGE Quest: Part 47We fight a drunken Travis Touchdown, get spooked by crazy signals, deal with an arms dealer and get a glimpse at the far reaching consequences of Jake's Dimensional JumpingGundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-08-27 26 
26880403Gundam AGE Quest: Part 48The Luna Base is lost, we get drugged by Emily again, and we get a lot of engineering stuff done. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-08-29 26 
26899716Gundam AGE Quest DiscussionWe chat about stuff and I post a lot of tech logs. Fun is had by all. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-08-30 20 
September 2013
27006367Gundam AGE Quest: Part 49Detective Scarlet is on the case to find Vagan spies, only to end up finding them too late and having to face the Green Knight in her Gawain.Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire, Green Knight2013-09-04 26 
27044448Gundam AGE Quest: Part 50Engineering is done and one of the Magicians 8 meets their end in their first clash with the Magnificent 7. We then arrive at Solon and ponder how to spend our shore-leave. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-06 26 
27201004Gundam AGE Quest: Part 51We face off against the Vagan intruders and emerge victorious. As we look over the damage we learn a little about Arthur, all the while I display the grammar of someone who was recently shot in the head. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-14 26 
27244124Gundam AGE Quest: Part 52We get grenades, tell Flit about the Nano-machines and meet Rena's dopey fiancee! Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-16 26 
27262834Gundam AGE Quest: Part 52BDrinks are had, investigations are launched, and we finally learn about Arthur...and we don't like what we learn. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-17 26 
27419237Gundam AGE Quest: Part 53Scarlet manages the defenses and gets a WMD as a late birthday present! She also manages to get some sleep and isn't woken up by something horrible. Also, orphans and skeletons, LOTS of skeletons. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-26 26 
27487584Gundam AGE Quest: Part 54He drag a body around, riff on Batman and Robin, and have Tomato Soup with our Uncle Desil! Oh and the Colony gets attacked and stuff. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Batman, Robin, Arnold, Crosswire2013-09-30 26 
October 2013
27661590Gundam AGE Quest: Part 55We explore the shelter and learn a lot of stuff about Zarth and Arthur. More importantly, Fram has black raspberry ice cream!Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-10-10 26 
December 2013
28880862Gundam AGE Quest: Part 64Dirk fights to stay alive and save the future. Will Big Ring Fall? Will everyone Dirk loves die? And will Dirk finally be able to strike down Zeheart? Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-12-16 26 
29130951Gundam AGE Quest: Part 65The Battle for Zarth commences. Scarlet Crocker takes to the field to defend her home. Loss, Victory, and harsh realizations await. What will the future hold?Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Wrestlemania, Arnold, Crosswire2013-12-29 26 
September 2014
35211309The Rogue Trader Wants to Put WHAT on the Ship?!Red Dwarf in 40KRed Dwarf, 40K, Arnold Rimmer2014-09-30 -2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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