/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2008
1839136BEARSBEARSBEARS2008-05-28 25 
October 2008
2821925Bears: THE TRUTH4chan once again proves to be bastion of ignorant bigots, as what begins as a perfectly safe picture of a Grizzly at a table, descends into Polarbear Racism. Then some stupid idiot mentions the Great Bear War of 1910 and the thread just goes thermonuclear. You just can't have a decent mature discussion if some one brings that or the Grizzly Massacre of Montreal up. There's just too much bad blood about these things. Oh 4chan! When will you learn?Bears, The Great Bear War, Grizzly massacre of Montreal, The Great Koala Purge2008-10-17 13 
July 2009
5237253Dorf HistoryWe all know that dorfs have many traditions, facts and customs, some maybe alien and completely ridiculous. Let's invent some.dwarves, dorfs, breasts, bears, ale, beer, alcohol, mining, hammers, axes, mountains, awful good2009-07-23 17 
November 2009
March 2010
8445349Besetting with BeesDM's simple question about the mechanics of bee swarms turns into an epic encounter by the hapless party with the BBEG's army of bees and bears. Hilarity and chaos ensues.Bees, Bears, Humor2010-03-07 5 
8682575Settler Quest Starting with a choose your race settler quest /tg/ elects to go Goblin. They proceed to become Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs."Goblins, Bears, Quest, Settler"2010-03-21 14 
8702610Settler Quest IIThe goblin tribe expands with another generation added to its ranks and plots to assimilate and conquer. The Glorious Leader is a clever bastard.Goblins, settler, quest, bears2010-03-21 10 
8702610Settler Quest 2Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs.Goblins, Bears, Quests, Settler2010-03-21 10 
8802115Settler Quest IVThe Glorious Leader gets his interrogation on and uses his incredible charisma (and the soul of the old bugbear chieftain) to convince the bugbears to join him in his mission to destroy the humans. Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game,Bears2010-03-27 7 
April 2010
9003741Settler Quest VThe Glorious Leader is back in action, with both the bugbears and another generation of gobs to command--and new targets for pillage and conquest. Short but sweet.Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game, Bears2010-04-06 5 
9309936Emergency QuestYou are a Goron college student on a quest of awesomeness.Goron, Bears2010-04-20 0 
9410519Deck of Bears/tg/ celebrates the bears of MtG and create a deck.Magic, cards, bears2010-04-25 1 
May 2010
10182111Sweeney the Wizard. His penis is bears.His penis is bears. He needs no description.Penis, Bears, Create a race, create a character2010-05-31 30 
December 2010
13133598Magic: The GrizzlingOne anon's humble bear deck grows into a full-out cavalcade of bear MtG tactics.bears, grizzlies, Magic2010-12-14 4 
January 2012
17595297That Guy And The BearStorybro recounts the time a homophobic That Guy meets his match in the form of a big, burly gay rugby player.That Guy, gay, storytime, epic, lulz, bear, bears2012-01-19 22 
September 2012
20730757Nightbane Horrible Abomination GenerationWarning, may include distilled fears of all of mankind in Bear-Wolf-Spider form, with gunarms. Jesus Christ.Monster Generation Bearspiderwolf NeverStopScreaming2012-09-15 5 
October 2012
21035897Magic: the BeareningAn anon posts some bearly editted token. /tg/ exercises it's right to bear arms and signs up for the oncoming bearpocalypseMagic, mtg, bears, custom cards, Magic: the Bearening, awesome, 2012-10-08 9 
January 2013
22425550EstherA drawfag works his magic and warms the hearts of /tg/ to varying degrees.kobold, Esther, Bears, Dawww2013-01-06 12 
22556203Esther part 2/tg/ continues to take care of its adopted kobold daughter. They fend off some bandits and meet an old flame of The Bear's. kobold, bears, collective game, Esther2013-01-13 12 
July 2013
26207164Fact: NOTHING is scarier than a bear.The fa/tg/uys create a race of Soviet bear-men for D&D3.5D&D, bears, game, writefaggotry, fluff2013-07-24 5 
October 2013
27561099Mages Guild MeetingMages meet to discuss world-ending means of keeping drafts out of their studies. Bearsalisks are transmuted, beards are misplaced, skin is refurbished, and the elemental plane of pizza is ruined.Wizards, mages, pizza, beards, -omancy, genocide, dirty Druid hippies, bearsalisks2013-10-04 1 
December 2013
28610955A-bear-ationSo what DOES happen when a bear shapeshifter gets pregnant...?bear, druid, bear warrior, abearation, discussion, bears2013-12-03 6 
May 2014
32261795Gummi Bears RPGCreation of an RPG based on the Disney cartoonGummi Bears, Disney, Homebrew2014-05-22 3 
July 2014
33605642Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: Edge editionA little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a fourteen year old boy still traumatized by the time his parents were raped to death by bears, and a priest team up to murder the shit out of some people, no matter how many people they have to murder in order to do it.Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord2014-07-23 10 
August 2014
34249940Slav Shit Future Knights OP: I had an idea today, tentatively entitled "Slav Shit Future Knights" inspired by the game Destiny and the book One Soldier's War In Chechnya. Players are knights of the last city on Earth (St Petersburg) who venture out beyond the walls armed with an array of slavic weaponry from the last 100+ years (statted up with MotSP's equipment building system) to do battle with bandits, chechens, aliens, stalinist ape-men and assorted mutants, recover mystical treasures and technology and you get the ideaWorldbuilding, world building, OC, awesome, jews, bears, russia2014-08-19 6 
January 2015
37438653SIMPLE QUESTA tale of bears, and the simple men who love them.SIMPLE QUEST, Bears, Romance, Caves, Weak-ass Grue, Epic tales, Collective Game, Tragedy, Deconstruction, Heart-warming2015-01-17 5 
April 2015
39306136 Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: 2 edgy, 2 egregious A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a orphan whose parents were eaten and/or raped to death by bears, and a priest who has a cuddle pillow of his goddess team up to murder hundreds of innocents and summon a demon. Also kill a bear I guess.Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord, sitcom2015-04-13 4 
July 2019
67202225combination monster bestiary /tg/ designs weapons for when wizards with owlbear-tier magics capable of combining animals to create new monsters fight a biotech war.monsters, worldbuilding, owlbears, chimera, body horror, umbrella corporation, wizards, no sense of right and wrong,2019-07-13 7 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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