/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2013
24466070Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-seventh VerseWe almost uncover the secret of the runes, talk about relationships with Souichirou and practice relationships with Rin.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Kissing2013-04-26 22 
May 2013
24816257Fate/Stay Again, Fortieth VerseIn which shit hits the fan.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Assassin2013-05-14 30 
25083020Fate/Stay Again, Forty-third VerseIn which we try to cook, but get sidetracked endlessly.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Cooking2013-05-28 16 
June 2014
32906303Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 2We touch base with our contact Mikisugi Aikurou, get black-bagged,and join the Photography Club.Collective Game, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-06-21 2 
32965596Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 3Enter the Shuterbugs, the Honnouji Academy Photography Club, who also run the newspaper. Heinrich's first assignment as new guy? Cover Ryuko's first fight.Collective Game, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-06-24 2 
July 2014
33294588Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 4In which Heinrich decides that he'll be friends with Ryuko, and gets badly wounded to prove it. But what about Mako...?Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-10 1 
33346160Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 5Heinrich tracks down Mako's kidnappers to an abandoned warehouse. Fists fly, and things seem grim, before he awakens a strange new power...Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-12 1 
33391088Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 6When Gamagoori decides that Heinrich needs punishing, he's forced to go through No-Late Day the hard way! All aboard the Ruse Cruise! But who's the one being rused...?Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-14 1 
33413180Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 7Heinrich intervenes when a strange man attacks Ryuko and Mako, bearing weapons similar to his own. He confronts Mikisugi, who reveals his employer as Nudist Beach-and Heinrich's own family legacy of Nudists.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-15 3 
33429510Kill la Kill Espionage Quest 8Enter Kristopher Kristoph, Nudist Beach top field agent, and his mission to retrieve Rose Cumberbatch, a scientist on the verge of creating a Life Fiber-empowering serum completely accidentally.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-16 2 
33480746Kill la Kill Espionage Quest 9Kinagase Tsumugu is routed thanks to some clever teamwork from Ryuko and Heinrich, a Two-Star is put down before they can even fight back, and Houka Inumuta takes personal interest in our transfer student.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-18 1 
October 2014
35302385Kill la Kill: Espionage Quest/CYOA 10Heinrich meets Satsuki face-to-face, is cornered by Inumuta regarding the battle, and confronted by another transfer student looking for an ally...Collective Game, Corporate Espionage Quest2014-10-05 1 
September 2015
42651668Exterminator Quest #14The old man and the KFC.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sea monsters, british girls, espionage2015-09-22 7 
June 2017
1502838Two Kingdoms Quest 1Is story-driven quest that could be described as a "Medieval Cold War" scenario.Medieval, Ruler, Diplomacy, Espionage2017-06-01 1 
1523373Two Kingdoms Quest 2After dealing with Svert we learn that we ran into Darius' trap.Medieval, Ruler, Diplomacy, Espionage2017-06-06 1 
July 2017
1624643Hyperion-1314 factions hotly contest a planet rich with material vital to construction of fusion drives. Corporate espionage ensues. hyperion, 131, infiltration, espionage, council, space, francium, corporate2017-07-10 2 
November 2023
5834867OPERATION: ERIKAYou are an NKVD officer tasked with assassinating Adolf Hitler. alternate history, historical, realistic, espionage quest2023-11-21 0 
5848640Operation: ERIKA - #2You are an NKVD officer tasked with assassinating Hitler. 1 day before the parade. alternate history, historical, realistic, espionage quest2023-11-30 0 
April 2024
5950010Loveless Gal and those damned kidsIn pursuit of thieves, Kommgal “Gal” and his colleagues steps further and further into the world of low company. loveless gal quest, drawquest, slice of life, early modern fantasy, first person narration, romance, espionage, historical trivia2024-04-26 6 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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