/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2014
36895856Kantai Collection Quest Christmas Special Part 1The shipgirls have come to bring holiday cheer, and there's Christmas presents, or is it?Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest2014-12-22 -4 
36945618Kantai Collection Christmas Special Part 2The plan to save Christmas is underway! No? Then won't you do it for a Scooby Snack? Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Christmas, Christmas special, Quest, Hakarl. Scooby-Doo, Scooby Snax, Scooby Snack2014-12-24 -4 
May 2016
47064409Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #1The war against the Fleet of Fog becomes much less one sidedKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-03 7 
47100723Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #2In which we battle a small fleet and get a Mental Model on our sideKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-06 6 
47187155Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #3We don't accomplish much other then learning a little about Houston. The thread died quite early. It is sad.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-11 0 
47220655Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #3We finish "interrogating" Houston, and begin learning how to control nanomaterials.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-13 1 
47323498Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #5We battle a Fog patrol fleet.Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-19 1 
186628Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #6We become /qst/ refugees to not die. Also, we go to rescue a newly appeared Shipgirl. Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection, Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-05-27 1 
June 2016
205697Kantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest #7KCoBS, Episode 7: The Shipgirl AwakensKantai Collection of Blue Steel Quest, Kancolle, Kantai Collection,Arpeggio, Collective Game2016-06-04 1 
April 2019
3394830Nanodesu! Quest #1Wherein we start our adventure as Inazuma, alongside Smugzuma and Miyuki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-02 5 
3406019Nanodesu! Quest #2In which we acquire Ooi and Kitakami, oh and somehow we were able to get advice from two odd Abyssals. Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-07 6 
3388152Kancolle: Frog QuestIn which we awaken as the good ship ProvenceCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-10 2 
3435315Nanodesu! Quest #3Wherein we meet some familiar faces, fight some new Abyssals, get to meet two very Zuiun-minded battleships, and bond with our friends!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-26 3 
3427569Kancolle: Frog Quest 2Provence reminisces with her sisters.Collective Game,Kantai Collection,Kancolle,Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-28 2 
May 2019
3471311Nanodesu! Quest #4Wherein we go for a bit of exercise, talk with our older sister and start exploring the island's interior! (Short Thread)Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-05-03 1 
June 2019
3508255Kancolle: Frog Quest 3Provence tours Bretagne's kingdom. Lorraine wanders the barracks in a drunken stupor.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-06-05 2 
July 2019
3587324Nanodesu! Quest #5Wherein we finally journey up the hill and meet a certain narcoleptic ship girl.Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-07-01 3 
3579598Kancolle Frog Quest 4Lorraine pays a social call.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-07-02 2 
September 2019
3793996Kancolle Frog Quest 5 (Papa Petain's Immeasurable Disappointment Edition)Provence weighs her options for escape and Lorraine fights to break through and save her sister.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-09-10 1 
October 2019
3839427Kancolle Frog Quest 6: (Family Therapy Edition)Provence makes her escape and sexually harasses the UNCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-10-16 1 
November 2019
3893979Nanodesu! Quest #6Wherein we continue off from last time, taking care of Kako a probably narcoleptic ship girl, and bond with Hibiki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-11-03 0 
April 2020
4159371Nanodesu! Quest: Miyuki EditionWherein Miyuki tries to go scouting, gets sent back by Abyssal shenanigans and instead bonds with the people left in the base!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2020-04-06 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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