/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2009
359916140K MusicalsWhat musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof".Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof2009-02-03 10 
April 2010
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
September 2010
11984704Disney's 'The Little Heretic'Commissar Sebastian sings about The Little HereticMermaid, Disney, Warhammer 40K, 40K, Chaos, musical, lulz2010-09-07 32 
September 2011
1641893140k: The MusicalLyrics and music to the proposed 40k musical40k, Guard, Space Marine, Musical2011-09-25 5 
September 2012
20601229Squat Crusade: The MusicalThe first adventure of the last squats in the galaxy rebuilding their race as told by Shas'o R'ymr.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-05 15 
20690875Squat Crusade Part 2More poor decisions. More burned fate. The Ancestors put these guys in charge? They must be crazy.Shas'o R'ymr, Squat Crusade: The Musical, Squat Crusade2012-09-12 10 
October 2012
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
May 2013
24964549Squat Crusade ConcernsPhillip Ragebeard makes an appearance and points out the myriad of mistakes made by Shas'o R'ymrSquat Crusade, Squat Crusade: The Musical2013-05-22 8 
March 2017
1310313Starborn For Hire 1: The Stars Have AlignedThe Crossover Quest of Starborn and Magical Girl For Hire Begins. Miranda arrives in Munis for a bodyguard job, meeting Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-03-31 21 
April 2017
1333511Starborn For Hire 2: Sirens Sing Several Suspicious SongsThe prologue ends and the tour is soon to begin! We get on the road and make new friends like only Purps and Miranda can.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-04-07 10 
1348395Starborn For Hire 3: Isn't this Magical?The Godswatch show begins after a little chafing and a siren going a little bit nuts.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-11 6 
1360494Starborn For Hire 4: #JustSirenThingsThe show must go on and All That Jazz. We interrogate, discover and sing.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-14 6 
1381463What Came Next 5: What Are You Doing With Your Afterlife?Waking up with a bad case of starving and a worse case of everything hurting. Suka decides to play along with the bandits... for now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 5 
1383855Starborn For Hire 5: Lambs to the SlaughterhouseWell isn't this lovely? A horde of undead, a slaughterhouse pumping them out in mass fabrication? So long as we don't CRITFAIL...Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 7 
May 2017
1428046Starborn For Hire 6: For I would walk <100 Miles & I Would Walk <100 MoreIn a short thread, Purps excercises & spends time with Hona whilst Verde and Trish bond.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-05-07 6 
1468221Starborn For Hire 8: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendShort Thread due to QM curse and busy schedules. A watch happens, Miranda meets Luc and Hona kidnaps Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-19 5 
1478541Starborn For Hire 8.2: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendSame as 8. Life's a bitch for both QMs right now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-05-23 6 
1493910Starborn For Hire 10: Let's Get This Show Back On The RoadIt's time to play poker, bitches.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-27 5 
June 2017
1541660Starborn For Hire 12 Star is Sick EditionThe finale approaches as the investigators begin to put some puzzle pieces together.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Leno2017-06-08 5 
December 2020
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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