/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2008
3035413Viking threadLots of links to viking resources, pdfs, campaigns, systems, etc.Vikings, vikinger, norse, midgard, asgard, Odin, Loki2008-11-22 6 
October 2010
12624523Characters who could take a level of BarbarianA thread about manliness goes horribly awry.Manly men, beards, meth, owls, Wasteland Warrior, alcohol, Norse mythology2010-10-31 2 
November 2011
16908940GiantsWherin /tg/ discusses Giants of various myth and how to make them relevant again.Giants, myth, norse, celtic, russian, RPG,2011-11-11 30 
May 2013
24642651Low-Fantasy RPG (Norse)OP hashes out several fae races: elves, dwarves, trolls, and nixes, and delineates magic. Witches and cunning-men use apparently fae-derived magic accompanied with personal sacrifice in the form of a curse. Hermetic magicians and alchemists of the call upon the angels and demons of a religion incipient in the south, which is spreading. Other facets of the setting are also described, such as the relationship between the fae, humanity, and religion.World-building, setting, Norse, Magic, Fae2013-05-06 7 
May 2014
31914636Heathen Western RPGDevelopment of a game system and setting based on a mix of the Wild West and Norse/Native American mythologies.Wild West, Western, Norse, Viking, Homebrew, RPG2014-05-05 3 
June 2014
32782045Free FenrirDiscussing the sophont rights violation behind Fenrir's imprisonmentnorse, fenrir, loki, gods, myth2014-06-15 3 
October 2016
669713Norseman Saga, Volume 1Four hour chargen, followed by a test of manhoodViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-07 26 
691281Norseman Saga, Volume 2We have an axe throwing contest, pick some equipment, and leave for a jobViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-13 21 
722042Norseman Saga, Volume 3We fight off a group of bandits, discover our destiny, buy some weapons, and beat up AndersViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-10-22 15 
November 2016
807641Norseman Saga, Volume 4We leave for the Baltic, kill some vampires, and get abandoned by Handler.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-11-17 17 
December 2016
884140Norseman Saga, Volume 5The raid on the trading post commences. Link to 4.5 inside.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-12-07 15 
910086Norseman Saga, Volume 6Anders has a moment, we pull a barrel of spice from a burning building, and we go home.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2016-12-15 15 
January 2017
959593Norseman Saga, Volume 7We get back to the village, trade some spice, and get some work done on our equipmentViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-03 12 
1002973Norseman Saga, Volume 7.5You beat up a guy, make friends with him, then have some sort of dream, likely of the prophetic natureViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-11 14 
1030603Norseman Saga, Vol. 8Haskell talks to people and enters a dispute about the best fighting styleCollective Game, Viking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-01-18 15 
February 2017
1113929Norseman Saga, Volume 8.5We continue making the same new friends, then have a training sessionViking, Norseman, Handler, Raiding, Pillaging2017-02-08 12 
June 2017
1490921Norseman Saga, Volume 9A very social thread where we talk to a few people. Not every thread can be killing people for being different.Viking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-06-01 6 
1587240Norseman Saga, Volume 10A tiny abortion of a thread where we talk to a skald and our friendsViking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-06-29 6 
July 2017
1636781Norseman Saga, Volume 10.5We get to Ireland, meet a vampire that doesn't try to eat us, and agree to kill a CardinalViking, Norseman, Handler, Pillaging, Raiding2017-07-15 6 
September 2018
2853071Scion #1Enter Brad Ericson bastard offspring of some viking god, muscle bound physicist. Oh there is a 7-11! Manthor Scion Norse 2018-09-03 2 
June 2023
5653429Draugr QuestA jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ringFantasy, Norse mythology, undead, witchcraft, subterfuge, honor2023-06-17 1 
June 2024
6000901Pay the Bills. #1Meet Jones, our female protagonist who fights monsters and works a shitty job, just to pay the bills.Pay the Bills, Norse2024-06-17 6 
July 2024
6049036Paying the Bills #2The ongoing misadventures of Jones, part time wageslave and norse huntress. This thread we get mauled by a bear.Norse, Paying the Bills2024-07-27 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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