/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2633247Adeptus Mechanicus WritefaggotryAdeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry, with a whiff of Eldrad-like dickery. Adeptus Mechanicus Writefaggotry 2008-09-21 3 
August 2009
5492330The High Lords Of TerraExcellent Writefaggotry, even the Adeptus Custodes are funny as shit.Writefaggotry, Humor, Emperor, 40k, Adeptus Custodes2009-08-18 25 
January 2010
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
February 2010
8151409Adeptus Evangelion Discussion/tg/ discusses Ad EVA some more, updates about the next version are revealed. Some anon's detail their current campaignsEvangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, Mecha, Mech, Adeptus Evangelion, Fuck yeah, AE2010-02-18 4 
March 2010
8480716Adeptus Evangelion FluffBMJ asks for pieces of original content to help make his next gift for /tg/ all the more special. The fa/tg/uys prove their worth like champs. AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, writefag, epic2010-03-09 17 
8881939Gundam40kA "really stupid" idea turns out to be awesome in retrospect.Dark Herisy, Adeptus Evangelion, Epic, Setting2010-03-31 2 
April 2010
8943116Adeptus Evangelion WorldbuildingBMJ kinda asks for /tg/ to help expand the Eva universe as a setting. Undersea relic hunters and UN counterinsurgency results.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Setting2010-04-03 12 
8965303Adeptus Quest 1Techpriestess Lyra and Servitor Peg-Leg get really fucking lost on a horrible rock with Orks and possibly-Heretical Space Marines and all they wanted to do was save their ship. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-04 0 
9114489Adeptus Quest 2Techpriestess Lyra, her faithful Servitor Peg-Leg, and Space Marines fuck up orks and more besides and OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH OMNISSIAH AND ALL THE SAINTS. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-11 2 
9217744Adeptus Quest #3In which we narrowly avoid falling to Ruinous Powers and show the a daemon the power prayer.Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-16 0 
9366674Adeptus Evangelion ProgressAnother AE thread with reports on what's left to be done, logs of the running games, and people checking in with their experiences.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Logs2010-04-23 5 
9391452Adeptus Quest 4Lyra punches Daemons into oblivion, and GOOD END is achieved. Adeptus Quest, 40k, AdMech2010-04-24 0 
May 2010
9568405Adeptus Evangelion: AT, N2, JA, and other 2LAsAdeptus Evangelion thread discussing the role of Jet Alone, the functioning of the AT Field and its interaction with N2 mines, with a side discussion on the source of the AT Field and its implications for Angel psychology and NGE's philosophical/theological basis.AdEva, Dark Heresy, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, anime, mecha, AE, DH 2010-05-03 4 
9692211Adeptus Evangelion 2.0Black Mesa Janitor & the dev team deliver the new version of AE. Good times for all.Adeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Dark Heresy, Homebrew2010-05-08 27 
10078442Adeptus Evangelion: WWEBMJ drops by to ask /tg/ about fluff for World War EvaAdeptus Evangelion, Black Mesa Janitor, Homebrew, Dark Heresy2010-05-27 7 
November 2010
12692444AdEva AwesomenessTales from an awesome AdEva campaignAdeptus Evangelion, Awesome, Metal2010-11-06 1 
12975793Complaints about Adeptus EvangelionCharacter death in AdEva is too much to handle.adeptus evangelion, adeva, discussion2010-11-30 2 
December 2010
13115808Tall Tales of AdEvaAnon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Storytime, My Campaigns, Evangelion2010-12-13 5 
13126445The AdAngelic VersesBlack Mesa Janitor requests draw and writefags to flesh out Angel concepts for a new expansion of AdEva. Dozens of submissions of "forgotten" Dead Sea Scrolls for SEELE ensure.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Drawthreadd, Writethread, BMJ, Original Content, Game Design2010-12-13 6 
13131150AdEva GMing AdviceGM asks for advice for Adeptus Evangelion. Lots of advice is given. Many tips for running a game of AdEvaAdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, NGE, 2010-12-13 5 
13311710Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED ReleaseTeam AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, BMJ, Sachiel, REDACTED, Evangelion, Homebrew2010-12-28 15 
January 2011
13504947Stargate-inspired AdEva gameSome fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of RitsukoAdeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Ritsuko, Stargate, Lovecraft2011-01-13 6 
13510539The Case Files Of 30 Meter MurphyIn which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killedDark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-14 4 
13680077The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2"30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures.Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-27 1 
February 2011
13820130Adeptus Evangelion: USSR EditionA discussion of possibilities for setting AE in the Soviet Union.adeptus evangelion, russia2011-02-08 8 
13853348Kalang, the Bat-people/tg/ proves its awesomeness once more by creating the Kalang, a race of humanlike bats who specialize in sound-manipulating sculptures, being badass flying monks, and hating the undead. Vampire bats? Those are to them what Ogres are to humans, horrid disfigured monsters. Kick their asses.race creation, bats, kalang, monks, echolocation, sculptures2011-02-11 17 
March 2011
14152616IRL Machine Spirit MomentsA discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest2011-03-07 17 
14200338AdEva, Indian StyleDM proposes Aztec AdEva game (not knowing RaXephon did it better); other anons follow up with their own Amerind inspired campaigns.AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Eva, Homebrew, Campaign Settings, Aztec2011-03-11 1 
April 2011
14668953Portal-Adeva crossoverCave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!"Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Portal, Portal 2, Aperture Science, Cave Johnson2011-04-21 36 
May 2011
14972306NASCAR Genesis: EinherjarEvangelion + Norse Mythology + Nascar. One of the most inventive and awesome uses of Adeptus Evangelion /tg/ has ever seenAdeptus Evangelion, Homebrew, Storytime2011-05-19 16 
15013749Paladins of MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE! OOOOOH YEAH!Randy Savage Ascends to Godhood, /tg/ talks about his PaladinsPaladin, Randy Savage, MACHO MAN, Wrestle, Rapture, OOOOH YEAH2011-05-23 6 
August 2011
16052444Adeptus Evangelion: Cold WarIt is 1961. It has been fifteen years since the Second Impact. Pilots are from the respective countries in either NATO and Warsaw. Their mission? Desperately work together while making the other side look weaker.EVA homebrew setting worldbuilding AdEva Adeptus Evangelion AdeptusEvangelion Neon Genesis NGE fluff2011-08-25 -2 
December 2011
17196695Adeva 2.5 Fluff and Art Explosion 2It continues! The original content being generated by /tg/ could not be contained! BMJ, AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, Homebrew2011-12-13 1 
17334234Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 BetaIt's Christmas, so that means Black Mesa Janitor is back with mentally damaged children for us all to enjoy!Evangelion, Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Black Mesa Janitor2011-12-26 28 
17341283Adeptus Evangelion 3.5 Alternate Version releaseClaimed Ex-member of the AdEva development team releases what could have been after the release of the 2.5 Beta in another thread.Adeptus Evangelion, Drama, Alternate, AdEva2011-12-27 3 
January 2012
17723250Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the StormRising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected.Chapter Quest, Quest, Chapter, Collective Game, Rising Sons, Adeptus Astartes. zombies, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Warp, storm, Nurgle, Witchhunters, feudal2012-01-30 12 
February 2012
18114111STCs and you!Come and learn about the miracle of Imperium Technology, the STC.STCs, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-02-27 15 
May 2012
19137578/tg/ discusses Evangelion/tg/ has an intellectually stimulating discussion of the Evangelion franchise, useful material for anyone looking to play a game of AdEva.evangelion, adeptus evangelion2012-05-18 10 
June 2012
19401359Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 Final ReleaseBMJ delivers Adeptus Evangelion v2.5 in its complete form.Adeptus Evangelion, AdEva, Evangelion, BMJ2012-06-08 15 
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
July 2012
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
October 2012
21277183ElysiaQuestYou are a fully sentient Machine Spirit, but you are still "shackled". You have little experience with the world but you are ancient and the secrets hidden with you are precious to many...40k, Warhammer 40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, ElysiaQuest2012-10-25 11 
November 2012
21798595Astartes MafiusThat's a nice planet you have there..It would be a shame if any heretical rumors were to reach the Inquisition40k, space marines, adeptus mafius2012-11-29 22 
January 2013
22480480A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty HandA nice quest, that just so happens to be set in the world of Neon Genesis Evangelion. After character creation is done things hit the ground running and the first angel battle starts moments later.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-09 14 
22536559A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 2Adeptus Evangelion Quest continues, this time Samantha emotionally scars a very unfortunate Nicolas. She also heads off to school and learns of the cut throat world of the inter school tournament. We all get to know our other pilots better.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-12 17 
22592074A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 3Samantha finishes up her day at school by watching a duel between Terrance and Nicolas. Afterwards she is invited by the pair for lunch. Then they show her around town before heading back to NERV.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-15 15 
22630838A Knight Does Not Die With An Empty Hand Thread 4We finish our fight with the thugs, and Nicolas practically tears them to shreds. Then after getting to NERV we step into our Eva, unfortunately something rather odd happens inside the plug.Collective Game, Some Faggot, Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, World Ending2013-01-17 14 
February 2013
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
March 2013
23757275AdEva base on crazy religionOP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides.setting, adeptus evangelion, adeva, future alien jews, time cube, wat, religion, cazy2013-03-19 24 
April 2013
23945399Adeptus Evangelion ThreadOP asks for advice on his Taoism mythos inspired setting for AdEva, and general discussion is had.AdEva, AdeptusEvangelion, Evangelion, setting, epic, NGE2013-04-01 6 
May 2013
24931320SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwwwFigurine of Slash GordonSlash Gordon, Adaptus Estates, Warhammer 40k2013-05-20 33 
June 2013
25552460/tg/ Presents: the Horus HeresyA play in x acts.Impromptu Theater, Warhammer 40k2013-06-21 7 
July 2013
25940768Ad Eva Discussion and StortimeAnons talk about Adeptus Evangelion, also, storytime about AdEva game with Pacific Rim material in it.Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, Evas, Jaegers, Storytime2013-07-11 1 
October 2014
35328546Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 01The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress, cursed to roam a cutesy world too anime for anyone's sanity, goes dungeon crawling, deals with old phobias come to life, and douses her worries in alcohol.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-06 39 
35392041Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 02The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress comes to an understanding with her newest party member, and decides what to do with the treasure burning a hole in her pockets.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-09 30 
35436491Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 03The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gains skill in the art of beersuasion, demonstrates the various arts of her people, and calls up a... a friend. Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-11 27 
35509096Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 04The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress talks shop for all of two minutes before savoring her alcoho- Urist Twelfthbay cancels drink: Interrupted by Giant Horrible Fly Monsters and maelstrom bitches!Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-14 24 
35571075Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 05The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress tans some hide for... something that would make some pretty good leather, if she could actually butcher sentient creatures, but alas, +catgirl leather gloves+ are not to be.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-17 23 
35675600Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 06The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress goes on a shopping spree and very nearly ruins everything forever. Just an average day in the life of a dwarf.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-22 23 
35860719Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 07The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress takes far too long to figure out what the hell she wants to tackle first, and discovers that Armok's most fervent desire is to make her suffer as much as possible.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-10-31 23 
November 2014
36107642Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 08The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gets down to business, reaping what she sowed last thread and then dealing with monsters and puns the only way she knows how: in a ludicrously brutal fashion.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-11-12 23 
36148632Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 09The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress prevents a bloodbath in order to cause a bloodbath, gains a very important power, and then immediately gets some vague foreshadowing. Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-11-14 23 
36210424Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 10The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress makes up for an absolutely traumatizing sleep by constructing a masterwork with her own hands, gets to work traumatizing others, and is faced with a choice.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-11-17 22 
December 2014
36551881Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 11The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gets sidetracked, then she gets sidetracked from the sidetracking, and finally proceeds to become a conversationalist! Not that her new skill helps any.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-04 23 
36610385Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 12The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gets an absolute earful of mildly worrisome exposition before going straight into search and rescue mode! And failing miserably, except when it really counts.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-07 23 
36651205Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 13The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress teaches some people that sticks and stones can break their bones, but wrestling moves will break MORE bones even worse.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-09 21 
36728051Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 14The resident personification of Dwarf Fortress grows a little closer to her roots as a builder- and then she learns once again that magic is complete and utter bullshit.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-13 21 
36806019Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 15The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress takes stock of her injuries, bonds with someone every bit as broken as she is, and then skills up in the glorious category of HOW THE FUCK.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-17 21 
36865788Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 15.1The representative personification of Nintendo begins to have a day that will test her patience to its limits.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-20 21 
36925150Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 15.2The representative personification of Nintendo does a little verbal sparring with her eternal rival before moving off to deal with a festival day gone horribly wrong.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-23 21 
37051871Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 15.3The representative personification-slash-goddess of Nintendo beats the everloving snot out of her opponent, her ally, and a bit of the scenery before torturing them all by talking about metaphysics.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2014-12-30 21 
January 2015
37208265Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 15.4The representative personification-slash-goddess of Nintendo grills some adventurers before finally meeting back up with a short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry who most certainly is not the main character. That would just be silly.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-01-07 21 
February 2015
37981458Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 16The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress quickly puts a stop to a side-character's meta shenanigans and proceeds to watch as events rapidly progress into total chaos- aka business as usual for dwarves, to be honest.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-02-11 21 
38048295Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 17The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress ponders the past, messes around with comparative game rules, nearly gets herself killed, and then narrowly avoids having this quest turn into something else entirely.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-02-14 20 
38140384Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 18The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress is joined by a staunch(?) and useful(??) ally(???), and plunges headlong into shopkeeper interrogation and free loot.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-02-18 20 
38229754Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 19The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress continues lowering her estimation of her interrogee's intelligence. And her ally's intelligence. And her midbosses' intelligence. And- hell, if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-02-22 22 
March 2015
38400801Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 20The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress deals with a pair of frienemies, leaves one shop a smoldering ruined wreck, and sets out for another shop to help a friend. And hopefully not leave it a smoldering ruined wreck.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-02 20 
38570069Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 21The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress tangles with a street-fighting martial artist, to help a super fighting robot, all while being bugged by an annoying goddess, and then they've got business with a magic-slinging dragon-slaying swordswoman. (It makes slightly more sense in context, probably.)Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-09 21 
38708393Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 22The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress learns that the holy men of Lowee aren't what they seem and watches as a goddess chooses what's best for her nation- and then, finally, charts out her course.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-15 20 
38815453Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 23The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress finally, finally, FINALLY returns to the vast and glorious underground world! And promptly remembers that it's every bit as terrifying as the above-ground world.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-20 20 
38901986Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 24The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress finally taps into the endless potential of her heritage and proceeds to regret it immediately because oh fuck oh fuck oh Armok what have we wrought!?Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-24 20 
38975987Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 25The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress tries to salvage everything she fucked up, and then tries to salvage everything that got fucked up by THAT, and then is forced to salvage everything fucked up by THAT attempt and...Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-03-28 20 
April 2015
39077883Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 26The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress suddenly finds herself dealing with something completely different, and also finds like fifty different godsforsaken ways to turn her dignity into the tattered, shredded stuff that broken dreams are made of.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-02 20 
39142923Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 27The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress, after coming off one hell of a trip, once again leaves her mark on the landscape before leaving her mark in the annals of crossbow marksdwarfship.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-05 20 
39227451Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 28The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress makes history by helping to take down a horrible monster (of her own creation) before nearly getting killed by a friendly gesture. And then, of course, she begins playing God. Or Armok. Whichever.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-09 20 
39269846Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 29The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress engages in some heartfelt anime shenanigans (entirely against her will) before learning, once again, that it's a very bad idea to say ANYTHING along the lines of "what's the worst that could happen?"Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-11 20 
39496191Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 30The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gets more in touch with her roots in the most literal fashion possible, before sitting back and watching her two friends engage in horrible skinship shenanigans. And then a dwarf, a robot, and a hero walk into a bar...Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-22 20 
39535976Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 31The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress sets up a tentative friendship, chats up her friends over drinks like any normal alcohol-guzzling dwarf, and then, of course, everything immediately goes stupidly wrong in the stupidest way possible.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-24 22 
39573263Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 32The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress revels in drag-down bare-knuckled fisticuffs in order to defend her maidenly honor, which ends in- wait, what?Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-26 20 
39619116Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 33The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress takes a risk, discovers a potential source of power, and learns that sometimes, it's pretty fucking hard to let go.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-04-28 20 
May 2015
40289643Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 34The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress constructs a stupid dwarf mini-megaproject that will, in no way whatsoever, backfire and cause more problems that it was created to solve. On an unrelated note, violence against innocent animals is perpetrated.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-05-31 20 
June 2015
40375624Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 35The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress has the worst and the best dream all rolled up into one, and then she finally comes into her own because the dice only give crippling failure or glorious success.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-06-04 20 
40461051Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 36The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress decides to totally bypass an obstruction in the dwarfiest possible way, and then uses a roadblock to test out her newfound powers.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-06-08 20 
40504792Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 37The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gently coaxes two adventurers into a wonderful little chat with the subtlety of a bulldozer, tears straight into the dream world, and then MEANWHILE...Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-06-10 22 
40713310Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 38The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress peeks in on the current whereabouts of the representative personification of Minecraft, who's being grilled by the representative personification of- okay, well, it's probably shorter to say that it's representative personifications all the way down!Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-06-20 20 
40918857forgeworld founding quest iiwe meet an orgyn read some books and arrange for construction to begincollective game, forgeworld founding quest, adeptus mechanicus2015-06-30 2 
July 2015
41189365Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 39The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress comes up against an implacable guardswoman, and relying primarily on her own diplomacy... things start going south, pretty quickly.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-07-13 20 
41290400Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 40The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress sits back, relaxes, and watches two high-powered adventurers try to murder each other, all while puzzling out why the fuck Gamindustri bothered hard-coding a forbidden love tracker into the laws of the universe.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-07-18 21 
41487361Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 41The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress follows a goddess into classic territory, and then she starts digging for answers, and then she digs far deeper than she should because dwarves just can't have nice things.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-07-27 20 
August 2015
41656394Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 42The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress makes a terrible, terrible mistake that sends her to hell and back, although it might actually work out this time! Maybe. Possibly.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-08-04 20 
41920737Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 43The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress engages in the traditional pasttimes of any self-respecting dwarf: negligent overuse of fire, unnecessary amounts of violence, and rampant crippling bouts of paranoia.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-08-17 20 
41981513Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 44The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress all but ensures a future asskicking, almost gets blinded by her own ally, and then witnesses one helluva brutal takedown.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-08-20 20 
42097516Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 45The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress finds herself tangling with someone who massively outclasses her, pulls out all the stops, and immediately regrets it.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-08-26 20 
September 2015
42805737Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 46The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress hashes out a plan in Telepathic-Exposition-o-Vision(tm), watches as extreme violence becomes poetry in motion, and finally catches a break. Kind of.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-09-30 20 
October 2015
42856593Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 47The representative personifications of... not Dwarf Fortress, this time! But they deal with the logistics of psychopathic outlaws, exposition, and a whole lot of trying-not-to-get-murdered.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-03 20 
42984545Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 48The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress wakes up to a realm where the stakes are higher than ever and does the only thing she CAN do under the circumstances: Strike the Earth!Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-10 20 
43043951Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 49The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress catches up with an old friend- although, because her life is filled with horrible choices and terrible consequences, this all happens while they're desperately trying not to die.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-13 21 
43206802Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 50The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gambles everything she has to acquire the big shiny thing, and immediately regrets it. She regrets everything. Only the sweet embrace of oblivion will soothe her shattered dignity, for all is lost forever.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-22 20 
43322739Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 51The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress learns that sometimes, in order to take that first step forward into the unknown, she needs to Touch The Thing. Only then will she be granted enlightenment and boatloads of expository text.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-28 20 
43331678Explorator QuestFirst thread in which we know our team and mission and we descend into a temperate planet that hides some dark and hidden secrets.Collective Game, Servo, Servo the Skull, Explorator, Explorator Quest, Warhammer40k, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cerum Daté2015-10-29 3 
43380412Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 52The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress spends some time trying to recruit one of the hyperdimension's many lost souls, and immediately spends the REST of her time trying not to get killed by a tragically hilarious number of things.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-10-31 20 
November 2015
43511382Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 53The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress finally catches a break- more than one break, even- and gets to work cranking out every dwarven fortress's most valuable resource, all despite inclement "weather."Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-07 20 
43568654Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 54The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress "chats" with her newest ally, converses with an old friend, and discovers that her indelible fate is to be eternally and horrifically tormented by Armok.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-10 20 
43631493Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 55The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress deals with a hitchhiker, takes care of some routine matters, and grapples with a horrific existential crisis, what the goddamn hell.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-14 21 
43680358Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 56The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress discovers that insanity may be the one trait all graveyard-spawned adventurers hold in common, makes a !!friend!!, and faces off against a thorn in her side.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-17 21 
43781778Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 57The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gives into the Nep, which will have absolutely no long-term repercussions whatsoever. On the bright side, she manages to give an old enemy the gift that keeps on giving.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-23 21 
43880800Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 58The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress regains one of her simplest powers, and then decides to tear up the script by taking firm possession of a VERY large part of the terrain.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-11-29 22 
December 2015
43938744Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 59The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress keeps up her streak of overcoming obstacles in terrifyingly unpredictable ways. Finally, she's grasping what it truly means to be a dwarf.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-12-02 21 
44030732Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 60The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress gives into the dark side for just long enough, and then proceeds to get her arse served to her on a silver platter by vermin.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-12-07 21 
44291959Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 61The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress breaks physics, goes way past the intended use of Dwarf Therapist, and then proceeds to break nearly goddamn everything in a fit of pique.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2015-12-21 22 
February 2016
45242063Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 62The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress indulges in some good old-fashioned !!PANIC!! and discovers a TERRIBLE SECRET.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-02-06 21 
45644600Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 63The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress bonds with the goddess of Nintendo, shares burning shame, and then promptly does what Nintendon'tCollective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-02-26 21 
45687004Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 64The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress comes up against a horror from beyond the stars, and comes perilously close to losing it all.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-02-28 21 
March 2016
45768780Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 65The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress helps someone very young indeed before going home. This still manages to be stressful. Go figure.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-03 23 
45828222Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 66The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress triples an unfortunate fairy's stress level before cleaning hou- YOUNG LADY, WHAT ARE YOU WEARINGCollective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-06 21 
45970596Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 67The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress consoles twice the daily recommended dosage of Nep, before she's buried under a large info dump!Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-13 26 
46020072Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 68The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress cancels mining Seganium: interrupted by corrupted giant cave spider.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-15 26 
46168228Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 69The representative personification of Dwarf Fortress bonds with Nepgear, gets Seganium and finds a standoff.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-22 28 
46274846Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 70The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress wastes no time in breaking up a grudge fight before starting to build a good, proper fortress.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-27 28 
46361937Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 71The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress does one last headcount, gets utilities running, and prepares for a trip to the Neppiest nation.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-03-31 28 
April 2016
46761531Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 72The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress roots through the Nepcave, but then falls victim to what she least expected there: common sense.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-04-19 29 
46867617Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 73The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress watches some Nepping in action, riles up someone she shouldn't, and finally contacts some friendsCollective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-04-24 30 
June 2016
47598230Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 74The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress finishes up a call, tells someone how they were born, sees shit go down, and deals with a tail.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-06-04 30 
47778691Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 75The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress continues mucking about Planeptune, before helping Nep with paperworKOMM, SUSSER TODCollective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-06-15 30 
47948283Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 76The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress cancels the apocalypse, meets a popular goddess, and does what she does best: STRIKE THE EARTH.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-06-25 30 
August 2016
48661806Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 77The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress gets the gang back together again, and channels horrifying energies into a crucial artifact.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-08-07 25 
48781909Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest 78The moe personification of Dwarf Fortress gets some housecleaning done, chooses her allies, and gets blasted into the middle of nowhere.Collective Game, Hyperdimension Dwarf Fortress Quest, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Dwarf Fortress, Blorp2016-08-14 27 
October 2016
50033219The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-10-31 100 
December 2016
50535024The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 ReduxThe party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition,2016-12-05 108 
July 2017
54578358 The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2The All Guardsmen Party Returns!All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-29 79 
54594909The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2017-07-30 81 
December 2017
56830888Machine Cultist WorldbuildingA discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one.adeptus mechanicus, chruch of the broken god, mechanists, hammerites, italian futurists,2017-12-21 3 
January 2018
57282638 PTU storytime pokemon tabletop unitedGM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become Pokémon trainers.Pokémon, pokemon, Ruth, PTU, storytime, chikorita, scyther, Kate, Bree, Fey, Gloria, rules, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., forest, battle, survival, map2018-01-07 3 
February 2018
58159093The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4The return of the nightmare superiors.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-25 96 
58177335The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5In which a lot of shit blows up.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-02-26 79 
March 2018
58286435The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-03-04 89 
2396836Rapture Labyrinth Ghosts of an era past linger in this city...Collective game, rapture, bioshock2018-03-30 2 
June 2018
60232637The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape?Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-06-10 81 
2621393Mid Boss Quest Part 5Your garrison attacked, lives saved and ended, a hero captured, and reinforcements arrive. Baldr has rough times ahead.Mid Boss Quest, Mid Boss, Collective Game, Hero Attack, Hero Capture, The Colonel2018-06-12 6 
July 2018
60621322The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is plannedAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-07-02 81 
October 2018
62479001script pitches for a 40k movie/tg/ is asked for their ideas for a hypothetical movie set in the 40k universe.40k, movie, greentext, storytime, Guillermo Del Toro, adeptus mechanicus2018-10-20 5 
November 2018
62972087The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2018-11-12 84 
December 2018
63691964How the Arbites saved EmperormasA bunch of incompetent Arbites fail their way through a Dark Heresy CampaignAdeptus Arbites, 40K, storytime, Emperormas, Dark Heresy2018-12-25 -11 
February 2019
64632151AdMech finds Opportunity and Imperial vidyaIn the grim darkness of the far future, there is Opportunity for win. Also, vidya of the Imperium of Man.40K, Adeptus Mechanicus, Opportunity, win, writefaggotry, Imperium, vidya2019-02-16 17 
May 2019
66179418The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2The infiltration attempts beginAll Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-05-12 71 
July 2019
67512797The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2019-07-29 66 
January 2022
82890060Forgeworld Hanzien/tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader.creation tables, adeptus mechanicus, admech, forgeworld, techpriest, china, chinese, imperial, terracotta skitarii,2022-01-10 1 
June 2022
84882054The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-06-12 87 
October 2022
86390441The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DebriefDon't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T-All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition2022-10-16 64 
September 2023
5737416NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest:A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-09-20 2 
June 2024
93031789DT-10: /tg/ rolls up a forge world, thread 1A thread where /tg/ used the forge world creation tables to make a forge world, specialized in paint.WH40K, 40k, Creation Tables, Adeptus Mechanicus, Admech, Homebrew2024-06-18 6 
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