/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2009
4207769Deadlands LovecraftIdeas for Deadlands campaign set in Britain. Lovecratian horror meets steampunk with a dash of folklore and myth.deadlands, lovecraft, steampunk, folklore2009-04-07 6 
June 2009
4847968Vampire loreA Mythfag presents itself to /tg/ explaining the origins of the vampire. Facts are awesome.vampires, myth, folklore2009-06-12 8 
November 2011
17037845Concerning GoblinsAnon asks what goblins were like in the original folktales. Cue discussion of goblin lore, Red Caps re-fluffed as rebels against Faerie, and decent writefaggotry.goblins, folklore, red caps, setting2011-11-28 10 
March 2012
18350298Middle Eastern MythOP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history.Arabian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, mythology, folklore, world building2012-03-16 62 
18442709Vampire LoreOP posts information about Slavic vampire folklore and myth.vampires, vampire, myth, mythology, folklore2012-03-24 11 
February 2013
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
23348526Victorian BogeymenGo to bed on time, don't play in the dirt, and don't talk to strangers, or Nicky Nocks, Mr. Sweeps, and Penny Pinchfingers are going to pay you a visit.Boogeymen, Bogeys, folklore, horror, fae, creepy, steampunk, Victorian, England, goblins2013-02-24 15 
December 2013
28965839Russian Setting and Lore discussionOP starts a thread asking /tg/ about Russian mythology and lore. Interesting discussion ensues between classic Russian folklore and the Soviet Era revisionist stuff.The Archivist, setting, worldbuilding, world building, homebrew, Russia, folklore, folk lore, campaign setting2013-12-20 21 
29026431Kamen Rider Myth Quest 1The Hero's Arrival! Clash with the Crimson Crowned Coot!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2013-12-23 0 
March 2014
30617033Kamen Rider Myth Quest 3Library. Friend of a friend. Goblins!Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Myth Quest, Collective Game, The Gentry, Irish Mythology, Folklore2014-03-05 0 
June 2014
33071790werewolvesInfo and new takes on werewolveswerewolves, myth, folklore2014-06-30 2 
July 2014
33199976Pre-Columbian Native American FantasyOP asks for help in devising a Native American themed setting for an upcoming game. /tg/ supplies helpful information.myth, folklore, history, world building, indian, native american, 2014-07-06 5 
November 2014
36418438Space SuperstitionsExactly what it says on the tin.space, superstitions, folklore2014-11-29 12 
July 2015
41025832True NamesDiscussion on true names in folklore and culture, why they are dangerous, and use in games.true name, truename, language, folklore2015-07-08 10 
August 2015
41729483Of Folklore Monsters and Other TalesIn which /tg/ discusses the existence, knowledge and lore of various monsters, fae, night creatures, boogeymen and other urban story beings.Encounter, Fluff, Folklore, IRL, Random, Spooky, Stories, Story2015-08-19 5 
June 2016
47922177Jewish folklore is terrifyingAn anon discovers how grim and dark Jewish folklore is. Jewish anons pitch in to make it worse.folklore, discussion, mythology, myth2016-06-24 13 
July 2016
48113536Spacefaring SuperstitionsMore superstitions for you spacers out therespace, superstitions, folklore2016-07-06 13 
November 2016
50162990AmericanaSeveral anons dump loads of good American folklore Folklore, Americana, American Folklore 2016-11-17 5 
December 2016
50545751Sub-Saharan African SettingsOP requests inspiration for a Sub-Saharan African setting and /tg/ obliges with interesting pictures, stories and cultural discussions.Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, History, Folklore, Culture, Inspiration, Setting2016-12-07 10 
January 2017
51148976wendigo folkloreAn anon dumps large amounts of wendigo folklore and the Skinwalker Apocalypse setting idea from a few years back gets revisited.wendigo, folklore, skinwalkers, setting, apocalypse, worldbuilding, 2017-01-12 10 
October 2017
55689939Comfy Folkloric MagicA collection of comfy low-magic spells taking inspiration from folklore.comfy, magic, folklore, spells, fluff2017-10-09 20 
55706379Folklore CreaturesVarious anons describe and discuss monsters from their local folklore, ghost stories, urban legends and cautionary tales.monsters, creatures, folklore, myth, urban legends, worldbuilding,2017-10-13 3 
March 2021
77845202British Folklore creatures and stories Looking for creatures and stories that would make for good encounters.Creatures, Folklore, Myths, Legends, Britain, Creatures, Monsters, Folklore2021-03-03 1 
May 2022
84620887Slavic Mythological CreaturesAnon shares a variety of creatures from Slavic myth.Slavic, Monsters, Folklore, Mythology2022-05-27 39 
May 2023
5627757The Goblin King is Bored!The goblins find a Magi-horror inside a giant tortoise leg, bully a witch in Mad Enchanted Forest Hiddledink and voyage on the Metal Ur-seaGoblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Neigh2023-05-16 2 
July 2023
5667937Goblin King is Bored #2Quiet the goblin is given a chance to become a noble. QM ends up regretting doing a solo gob quest and almost flakes.Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Quiet, Sologob2023-07-06 1 
August 2023
5704813The Goblin King is Bored#3The Goblin King sends goblin bakers straight to Heck! The trip is educational. The tooth fairy tries to assassinate the QM.Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Vampires, Demons, Baking2023-08-25 2 
October 2023
5749533The goblin king is Bored! #4The goblins go on a quest to restore the nation of Lennessa. However, they crash a ball and end up in a time loop!Goblins, Collective Game, Total Goblin Death, Labyrinth-like goblins, Roguelite, Fantasy, Folklore, Fae, Steller, Goblin Nuns, Knights2023-10-07 0 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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