/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2013
23762482Space Princess Quest 3Wherein Princess Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus gates the third celebrates a successful suborbital launch and gives an announcement to the kingdom.Princess quest, Quest thread, space, rockets2013-03-19 7 
23778247Space Princess Quest 4Wherein Princess Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus gates the third plans a party.Collective game, Space princess quest, princess quest, space, rocket, princess2013-03-20 10 
23813278Space Princess quest 5In which Princess Lydia Taunhauser has a bad problem and does not go into space today.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-03-22 7 
23830717Space Princess quest 6In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser gets help from her brother and the Royal Navy.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-03-23 7 
23848896Space Princess Quest 7In which the dice hate us.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-03-24 6 
23865791Space Princess quest 8In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser's luck improves considerably.Collective game, space princess quest, space, princess, rocket2013-03-25 7 
23884344Space Princess Quest 9In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser deals with the press and makes plans to talk to Parliament.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-03-26 7 
23934246Space Princess quest 10In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser learns the terrible secrets of space.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-03-29 7 
April 2013
24002269Space Princess Quest 11In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser talks with the members of the Appropriations Committee.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-02 6 
24043889Space Princess quest 12In which Princess Lydia Tannhäuser secures funding and makes a new friend.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-04-04 6 
24064762Space Princess quest 13In which Princess Lydia Lydia Tannhäuser Von Cygnus Gates the third becomes duchess of her own tropical island and begins plans for an even larger rocket.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-05 6 
24082149Space Princess quest 14In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser realizes she will need an even larger rocket, and makes plans to meet with the press.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-06 7 
24098692Space Princess Quest 15In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser entertains the press and has another idea.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-07 6 
24141034Space Princess Quest 16Another turn is passed, we join Sir Harker on his airplane, Quest is ended early since /tg/ is asleepCollective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-09 6 
24157553Space Princess quest 16.2In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser experiences microgravity and launches a sub-orbital rocket.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-04-10 6 
24178851Space Princess Quest 17In which Princess Lydia wants pictures, pictures of SPACE!Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-04-11 6 
24196099Space Princess Quest 18In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser publishes her pictures, and realizes she hasn't been giving her rockets names.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-12 6 
24212908Space Princess quest 19,Yuri's night edtionIn which we honor Yuri Gagarin, and then the Duchess of Taunhäuser starts the Tournament.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket, Yuri, Yuri Gagarin2013-04-13 7 
24230985Space Princess quest 20In which Intruders are detected on the island!Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket2013-04-14 5 
24288737Space Princess quest 21In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser tests her champions mettle.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-17 5 
24309610Space Princess Quest 22In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser oversees and Aerial Duel to decide the winner of the Tournament.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-18 5 
24328791Space Princess quest 23In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser plans the schedule for the launch of the first manned rocket.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-19 8 
24347486Space Princess quest 24In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser celibates her 17th birthday. This episode is incorrectly numbered as 23.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-20 5 
24428618Space Princess Quest 25In which preparations are made for a manned lauch! Also, hamster powerplant.Collective game, Space princess quest, princess quest, space, rocket, princess2013-04-24 7 
24448247Space Princess quest 26In which Dame Kateryn Cobham of the Royal Air Force becomes the first person in space.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Quest, Rocket2013-04-25 14 
24465718Space Princess quest 27In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser plans her next move.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-26 6 
24482025Space Princess quest 28In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser has an interview with Mr Radio.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket2013-04-27 5 
24498650Space Princess quest 29In which Sir Harker goes into space.Collective Game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-04-28 5 
May 2013
24557851Space Princess quest 30In which the Duchess of Tannhauser sights an unidentified flying object in the northern sky. Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-01 8 
24593613Space Princess quest 31In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches one last rocket before Typhoon season.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, princess, Rocket2013-05-03 5 
24628888Space Princess Quest 32In which the Duchess of Tannhauser visits the western isles and calls her mother.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-05-05 6 
24688854Space Princess quest 33In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets with some merchant princes and goes to the Fall Equinox festival.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-08 6 
24734816Space Princess Quest 34In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets a mysterious boy.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-10 5 
24869220Space princess quest 35In which the Duchess of Tannhauser talks to a computer and gives a lecture at the Academy.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-05-17 5 
24962445Space Primcess quest 36In which the Duchess of Tannhauser returns to her island to rebuild.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-22 5 
25001275Space Princess quest 27In which the Duchess of Tannhauser gets back to work.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-24 4 
25039669Space Princess quest 38In which the First Lady of Merika puts people into space while the Duchess of Tannhäuser watches.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket,2013-05-26 3 
25098728Space Princess quest 39In which Sir Harker defies death once again.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-29 3 
25142124Space Princess Quest 40In which Dame Palmer slays a sea monsterCollective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-05-31 5 
June 2013
25246625Space Princess Quest 41In which the first daughter of Merika makes another milestone in space.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-06-05 3 
25286749Space Princess quest 42In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser refuses to bow to the military's demands, and Prince Orion returns.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket2013-06-07 2 
25326353Space Princess Quest 43In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser returns home to celebrate her 18th birthday.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-06-09 2 
25384760Space Princess quest 44In which the Royal Rocket Corps is hit with a parliamentary committee.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-06-12 5 
25456973Space Princess Quest 45In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser rallies her forces and plans a counterattack.Collective game, Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-06-16 3 
25536557Space Princess Quest 46In which Colonel Smith has to talk to Parliament.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-06-20 3 
25647339Space Princess Quest 47In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser celebrates the solstice.Collective game ,Space Princess quest, Space, Princess, rocket2013-06-26 1 
25686482Space Princess Quest 48In which the Duchess of Taunhäuser goes looking for her friendSpace Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-06-28 2 
July 2013
25778886Space Princess quest 50The 50th episode of Space Princess QuestSpace Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-03 2 
25858373Space Princess Quest 51The Fifty First episode of Space Princess Quest.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-06 5 
25915194Space Princess Quest 52In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser attends the equinox party with her friend and teaches prince Orion how to dance.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-10 3 
25957685Space Princess Quest 53In which the Duchess of Tannhäuser returns to her island early and repairs the storm damage.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-12 2 
25995400Space Princess Quest 54The Fifty Fourth episode of Space Princess QuestCollective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-14 2 
26052671Space Princess Quest 55The end of the year and some mechanics discussion.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-17 2 
26095956Space Princess Quest 56Not much happens, Thrusdays suck.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-19 2 
26133448Space Princess Quest 57In which the Duchess of Tannhauser Attends a briefing.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest. Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-21 3 
26194185Space Princess Quest 58In which the duchess of Tanhauser Launches the Meteor 3's first mission.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-24 2 
26332708Space Princess Quest 59In which the Duchess of Tannhauser meets with general Dean.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-07-31 2 
August 2013
26394598Space Princess Quest 60In which the Duchess of Tannhauser loses the trail of Private Haus. Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, princess, Rocket2013-08-03 2 
26471891Space Princess Quest 61In which a secret base is discovered on the dark side of the moon.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, princess, Rocket2013-08-07 2 
26605310Space Princess Quest 62, Dislexia edt.In which the Duchess of Tanhauser learns the true cause of the great war and GM can't count.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-08-14 4 
26662463Space Princess Quest 63In which the Duchess of Tanhauser talks to her MotherSpace Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-08-17 3 
26735005Space Princess quest 64In which the Duchess of Tannhauser travels east to meet Orion's mother.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-08-21 3 
26792324Space Princess Quest 65In which the Duchess of Tannhauser hears a story.Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, rocket2013-08-24 4 
September 2013
27144018Space Princess Quest 66In which the duchess of Tannhauser attends the solstice ball with Klaus.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-09-11 4 
27282527Space Princess Quest 67In which the Duchess of Tannhauser looks at schematics.Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-09-18 5 
October 2013
27502674Space Princess Quest 68In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches the Trailblazer prototype.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space Princess, Rocket2013-10-01 2 
27625217Space Princess Quest 69In which the Duchess of Tannhauser launches two successful missions before the storm hits and puts an unmanned lander on the Lunar Surface.Collective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-10-08 3 
27742714Space Princess Quest 70In which the Duchess of Tannhauser attends a naval review and a war starts.Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-10-15 4 
27866158Space Princess Quest 71In which the Duchess of Tannhauser receives a transmission from aliens.Collective game, Space Princess Quest, Rocket, Princess2013-10-22 2 
27988603Space Princess Quest 72In which The Duchess of Tanhauser Replies to the Foe Stars' message.Space Princess Quest, Collective game, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-10-29 6 
November 2013
28107065Space Princess Quest 73In which the Foe Stars introduce themselvesCollective Game, Space Princess Quest, Space, Princess, Rocket2013-11-05 5 
December 2013
28899030Adventure Princess QuestStop goblin raids, and get up to date on the realm.Collective Game, Adventure Princess Quest2013-12-16 8 
April 2014
31626860Dieselpunk Princess Quest #2Alice sees the Comet's armament, meets a sloppy lieutenant, a high strung ensign, and a mysterious seerDieselpunk Princess Quest, collective game, dieselpunk,2014-04-22 5 
31783792Dieselpunk Princess Quest #3Alice receives a warning, admonishes a subordinate, reads her orders, and goes to dinnerDieselpunk Princess Quest, collective game, dieselpunk,2014-04-29 5 
April 2015
39496396The Princess of Exile QuestWe are exiled from our rightful throne by our dickish younger brother, after he kills our parents and fails to kill us. We kill a Bandit King and begin building our own, better Principality.Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-04-22 17 
39515913The Princess of Exile Quest 2We Duel a Bandit Lord and win, gaining more men. Then we kill some creepy ass murders, and buy out another Bandit Lord.Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-04-23 11 
39534882The Princess of Exile Quest 3Despite crazed blood magic horrors, shapeshifting assassins and poisonous bitches, we triumph over all and declare the new Kingdom of Treeline!Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-04-24 12 
May 2015
39702673Princess of Exile Quest 4We build some farms, raid a caravan, and meet with a dragon. Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-02 7 
39721460Princess of Exile Quest 5We catch up to the local news, build a proper trade route, prepare for diplomatic actions, and suddenly trouble is inbound.Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-03 7 
39758840Princess of Exile Quest 6We proove our heritage to defuse the conflict, recieve news from the mountainhalls, and suddenly inquisition?Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-05 10 
39799283Princess of Exile Quest 7We win a battle against an undead horde, take in a bunch of rat folk refugees, finish of the undead horde, and mourn those that have fallenExiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-07 7 
39887351Princess of Exile Quest 8With the war over we make a few laws, head over to the dwarven kingdom of Cravenwood, get some booze, make a trade deal,talk about necromancers, and decide to wait on an alliance.Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-11 11 
39924665Princess of Exile Quest 9We run into some bards, make a deal with a necromancer, instill taxes, train with swords,and appeal church doctrine with political pressureExiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-13 6 
39963315Princess of Exile Quest 10We make a police force, send a message of diplomacy to the elves, raid a merchant prince, and accept the service of a mysterious silent knight.Exiled Princess Quest, Collective Game, Exiler, Princess, Civ Quest, civ2015-05-15 6 
June 2015
40578518Captive Princess QuestA young princess is captured by an evil dragon. Can she escape?Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Captive Princess Quest2015-06-14 2 
September 2015
42704395Path of Princess #2Linette takes her first step in business, woo'd by a noble.Collective Game, Path of Princess Quest, Princess2015-09-25 5 
October 2015
42878474Path of Princess #3An inspection of the military, trade payoffs, and a rude noble.Collective Game, Path of Princess Quest, Princess2015-10-04 5 
42998027Path of Princess #4Linette attempts to gain the support of the nobles against rude old Barrington. Collective Game, Path of Princess Quest, Princess2015-10-11 4 
April 2016
46548286Sin Princess Quest 2A failure to archive! The Princess of Envy goes explores, fights a harpy, and suffers a Critical Failure!Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, First Thread Not Archived2016-04-09 -10 
46841208Sin Princess Quest 3Take Two! Another Excursion into the Wyld leads our heroine to victory, but what to do with the spoils?Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-04-23 2 
13604Sin Princess Quest 4A journey through a magic mirror! Exposed to villagers? An amicable conversation and a possible ally!Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-04-30 2 
May 2016
76896Sin Princess Quest 5A talk with a witch! Aggressive negotiations and tea! A struggle home!Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-05-07 1 
160280Sin Princess Quest 6A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure!Sin Princess Quest, Critical Success, Critical Failure, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-05-21 1 
205747Sin Princess Quest 7A mechanics reshuffling! A surprisingly sexy prey-turned-predator! Does diplomacy prevail?Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy, Monster Girls2016-05-31 3 
June 2016
297966Tank Princess QuestA desperate flight across a war-torn battlefield.Quest, Collective Game, Tank Princess Quest2016-06-24 11 
November 2018
2990331Elven Slave Princess Quest #1Sold by slavers to a stranger, the young princess of a broken people finds herself delivered to an extraordinary stranger.Elven Slave Princess Quest, Elves, Elf Slave, Collective Game 2018-11-01 2 
August 2024
6052620Imperium of Man Princess Quest A quest about Pangea, the sole daughter of The Emperor of Mankind. Collective Game, Quest, The Imperium of Man Princess Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Mawmaw2024-08-20 19 
October 2024
6086040Imperium of Man Princess QuestA quest about Pangea, the sole daughter of The Emperor of Mankind. Fulgrim, Angron, and Sangunius joins the Imperium. Collective Game, Quest, The Imperium of Man Princess Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Mawmaw2024-10-18 13 
December 2024
6124499Imperium of Man Princess Quest #3A quest about Pangea, the sole daughter of The Emperor of Mankind and her adventures. Collective Game, Quest, The Imperium of Man Princess Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Mawmaw2024-12-05 9 
January 2025
6155612Imperium of Man Princess Quest #4The Great Crusade begins, and Pangea adopts her nephews from Rackham.Collective Game, Quest, The Imperium of Man Princess Quest, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, AU, Mawmaw2025-01-29 4 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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