/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2012
20948322Lich's Employee Quest pt 2Daniel goes off to deal with Roland the Red, and familiar faces pop up.Lich, Necromancer, Skeleton Quest, undead2012-10-02 23 
20962433Lich's Employee Quest pt 3Sir Daniel deals with more wizards, this time taking down Beric. And the Wolves of Lupin forest.Skeleton quest, werewolf, dice gods, mantis2012-10-03 20 
20976897Lich's Employee Quest pt 4Daniel has a song and dance to beat Mort, and stumpbles gets an apprentice.Skeleton quest, jazzy, sing song, spider2012-10-04 20 
20990495Lich's Employee Quest pt 5Daniel join the Paladins of Hydra, old friends return, we set off for Kerm.skeleton quest, Hydra, dance piece, seduction2012-10-05 24 
21015642Lich's Employee Quest pt 5Daniel find the city of Kerm, and makes a dynamic entry.skeleton quest, Hydra, Kerm, battle, demon, undead2012-10-07 17 
21019051Lich's Employee Quest pt 5.5An ending to thread 5.skeleton quest, Hydra, dance piece, seduction, going home2012-10-07 15 
21030357Lich's Employee Quest pt 6 (7)Daniel goes into the mountains and deals with some cave horrors, then gets intoxicated.skeleton quest, caves, abhumans, drunk, training2012-10-08 14 
21044136Lich's Employee Quest pt 8Sir Daniel goes south and deals with Salin, the illusionist.skeleton quest, Hydra, Salin, illusions, feels2012-10-09 11 
21071586Lich's Employee Quest pt 9Sir Daniel goes north to battle Sir John the Bloody.skeleton quest, stone knight, blood knight, battle2012-10-11 12 
21084480Lich's Employee Quest pt 10Daniel returns home for the harvest festivities.Skeleton quest, frenemies, drinking, seduction2012-10-12 11 
21097265Lich's Employee Quest pt 11Daniel travels out with his frenmies to deal with Dolorum the Red Death and Inquisitor.skeleton quest, inquisition, elf details, interrogation 2012-10-13 11 
21110198Lich's Employee Quest pt 12Daniel goes east to an unknown town, and he knows fury.Skeleton quest, Hydra, wrath, dice gods, rage, god's favour2012-10-14 21 
21139046Lich's Employee Quest pt 13Daniel goes out to find his frenemies and deal with a dragon. Fairy tale adventure follows.skeleton quest, Hydra, dragon, witch, battle2012-10-16 11 
21153111Lich's Employee Quest pt 14Daniel goes into the woods, and get stuck in a time loop. Time travel occurs.skeleton quest, Hydra, forest, time travel, training, spiders2012-10-17 11 
21181500Lich's Employee Quest pt 15Daniel joins a Crusade with his apprentices, but not to kill, but to end it.skeleton quest, crusades, death, war, justice2012-10-19 13 
21196399Lich's Employee Quest pt 16Daniel goes with Mark and the lads to Adrian's home city, Sileo. You have dinner with his mother.skeleton quest, dinner, elves, home, dinner, spilling2012-10-20 11 
21209759Lich's Employee Quest pt 16Daniel settles his bad blood with Clarice, sort of. Then deals with Umbra in the volcano.Skeleton quest, volcano, apprentices, golem, shade2012-10-21 11 
21225612Lich's Employee Quest pt 17Daniel helps Rebecca get ready for her own adventure, and learns to cook. Check up on the bees.skeleton quest, starting off, bees, dinner, food2012-10-22 10 
21241408Lich's Employee Quest pt 18Daniel does out with SpiderDan to the first church of Hydra, and gets a horse.skeleton quest, hydra, religion, horse, skelecopters2012-10-23 11 
21256335Lich's Employee Quest pt 19Daniel goes theatrical as he kills Fido the charisma wizard.skeleton quest, theatrics, Poe, masquerade, dice gods, assassinations2012-10-24 11 
21272703Lich's Employee Quest pt 20Daniel has some parenting issues and goes to talk with Adrian about them.Skeleton quest, warforged, parenting, spaghetti, elves2012-10-25 14 
December 2012
22284457Lich's Employee Quest pt 21Daniel find a chronomancer, and has a talk with him.skeleton quest, collective game, time magic, chronomancer, 2012-12-30 16 
22301807Lich's Employee Quest pt 22Daniel goes and helps Rebecca in a court case, and sorts out some twisted laws.skeleton quest, collective game, court room, trial, lawyer, pilgrims, laws2012-12-31 13 
July 2013
25865392Dungeon QuestFun with Skeletons.Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton Quest2013-07-07 34 
25885330Dungeon QuestOur intrepid skeletons continue their quest.Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-08 20 
25894285Dungeon QuestTonight we encounter wind wizards and deep crows!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-09 14 
25920239Dungeon Quest IVWizard tower destroyed. Paladin encountered.Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-10 18 
25934637Dungeon Quest VTonight we encounter a party of adventurers!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-11 11 
25975550Dungeon Quest VIDwarves! Pirates! Golem sphincters!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-13 11 
25986878Dungeon Quest VI part 2Skeletitan acquired! Paladins riding eagles!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-13 10 
25997032Dungeon Quest VIIFighting paladins, exploring.Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-14 10 
26164235Dungeon Quest VIIIDance battle!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-22 10 
26183354Dungeon Quest IXThe dance battle continues!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-23 10 
26203054Dungeon Quest XDance victory, exploringCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-24 10 
26263238Dungeon Quest XILand of giantsCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-27 6 
26281199Dungeon Quest XIIAbomination battle!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-28 7 
26345078Dungeon Quest XIIIthe titan returns!Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-07-31 6 
September 2013
27086743Dungeon Quest XIVtitan fighting, easter island head investigatingCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-09-08 5 
27129388Dungeon Quest XVExploring interior of the Moai head. Giant trolls.Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-09-10 7 
27189661Dungeon Quest XVIadventures in liftingCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-09-13 5 
27266484Dungeon Quest XVIIWizard in the WashroomCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-09-17 5 
27333349Dungeon Quest XVIIITroll BumsCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-09-21 6 
October 2013
27511345Dungeon Quest XIXExploring forest, encounter mosquito monsterCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-10-01 7 
27528309Dungeon Quest XXmore moai forest exploringCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-10-02 5 
27593767Dungeon Quest XXIchecking out wall-faces, glowy portalCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-10-06 5 
27770545Dungeon Quest XXIIPortals, laser dances, and 'healing' fun! Collective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-10-16 6 
27923702Dungeon Quest XXIIIfloating castle islands yayCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-10-25 2 
December 2013
28842623Dungeon Quest XXIVnew recruits, heading towards the floating islandCollective Game, Dungeon Quest, Skeleton Quest, Dungeon Skeleton Quest, Skeleton, Skeletons, Dungeon2013-12-14 2 
June 2015
40852896Broken Skeleton QuestYou are a one-armed mute amnesiac Skeletorc. But you still have your sense of humour!Collective Game, Quest, Broken Skeleton Quest2015-06-27 1 
January 2016
44940979Skeleton Quest 1A barbarian's skeleton spontaneously awakens and tears its way out of the warrior's skin. Hijinks ensue!Skeleton Quest, Collective Game2016-01-22 27 
44963319Skeleton Quest 2The Further Adventures of Skeletal Folk Hero Billy BonesCollective Game, Skeleton Quest2016-01-24 21 
45075017Skeleton Quest 3Billy Bones is given the option to get involved in some business intrigue, says fuck that and then does that thing anyway because spookySkeleton Quest, Collective Game2016-01-29 17 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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