/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2010
8413729Zombie themed Irish folksongsAnon needs help with songs for his modern d20 bard. /tg/ delivers.zombie, irish, drunk, drink, folksong2010-03-05 2 
May 2010
10128142Drunk Wasteland WarriorHe needs to do this more often.Drunk, Wasteland Warrior2010-05-29 10 
June 2010
10208453WW's drunken ramblings and Heresies. Heresy thread turns into WW storytime, complete with voice recordings from the man.Wasteland Warrior, storytime, WW, Drunk, story, writefag, Heresy2010-06-02 6 
July 2010
11375058Zerg Quest VCerebrate Anon decides to strike for Tassadar's throat. Also, major fuck-yous to the Starcraft canon abound as Kerrigan and Duke end up infested!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Unnecessary Ban, Drunk OP2010-07-27 16 
September 2010
12233518/tg/ Fights Drunken Bears/tg/ plays a session of Drunken Bear Fighter RPG. Shit gets real.Quest, Collective Game, Bear, Game, Drunken Bear Fighter, Epic2010-09-27 9 
March 2011
14280812Drunken Mage QuestGarth Grey suffers under a terrible curse of eternal drunkenness, but this only makes his command of arcane mysteries stronger. Fighting against impossible odds, can he save the day and get the girl?Quest, Drunken Mage, alcohol, awesome2011-03-18 20 
14289844Drunken Mage Quest part deuxGarth Grey suffers under a terrible curse of eternal drunkenness, but this only makes his command of arcane mysteries stronger.Quest, Drunken Mage, alcohol, awesome2011-03-19 10 
November 2011
16943288Zerg Quest LXIIAnon argues, steals a ship, and argues some more: a /tg/ microcosm? Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, tactical strategy, drunk OP, paranoia2011-11-17 11 
December 2011
17293888Zerg Quest LXVIAnon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history".Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Diplomacy, Pauldrons, Drunk OP, I assure you I have not been banned2011-12-22 10 
17360840Zerg Quest LXVIIThe Swarm deals with a couple of scary-looking fellows who are both kinda-sorta members of the SwarmZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Drunk op, Bernie, Oh What Now?2011-12-29 11 
June 2012
19430789Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 18Hito come back to Bangkok and he will face against his opponent Yongyuth the drunken thaiboxer.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Drunken, Thaiboxing, Muay Thai, Maid2012-06-10 0 
19648381Poke-Quest Derails! Becomes Diamonds!OP tries to create a Pokemon inspired quest thread, /tg/ derails it almost immediately. When OP ragequits he is replaced with a Rampaging New OP who gives no fucks.Pokemon, Collective_game, Funny, Drunk_on_power, Fuck_the_police2012-06-28 22 
October 2012
21030357Lich's Employee Quest pt 6 (7)Daniel goes into the mountains and deals with some cave horrors, then gets intoxicated.skeleton quest, caves, abhumans, drunk, training2012-10-08 14 
21145950What do you do with a drunken guardsmen!'What do you do with a drunken sailor' meets Warhammer 40k40k, game, Collective Game, songs, drunken sailor2012-10-16 16 
February 2014
30231869Selyn Thread No. CALLTHEPOLICESEEIFIFUCKINGCARESome more tales from Selyn. And more Mustard Seed. "It's Ankh-Morpork, except that its Pratchett is suffering from alcoholism rather than Alzheimers." -AnonWorld-Building, Humor, drunk2014-02-14 0 
March 2014
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
May 2014
32288311Halfling QuestHeilyn Gallagher got a message from her deceased father. She hates him, so she goes drinking instead of taking it seriously.Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers2014-05-23 8 
June 2014
32656527Halfling Quest III: Wyrm EaterHeilyn copes with having just killed someone, and works towards escaping her father's "Training".Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers, Massive CoC, Wyrm Eater2014-06-08 4 
July 2022
5309562The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st DrinkIn which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person, 2022-07-22 7 
August 2022
5348054The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd DrinkIn which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-08-28 2 
October 2022
5387464The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd DrinkIn which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-10-14 2 
December 2022
5439483The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg DrinkIn which Elmer and One Two go on a detour.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-12-04 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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