/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2011
14222798Iron GURPSIron GURPS is where you take three d100, roll them, and then look up the result on a table of GURPS books. Then you take the three books and combine them in a mashup for a setting for your game.Iron GURPS, GURPS, Campaign settings, Campaigns, Campaign, 3d1002011-03-13 3 
October 2011
16677642Zerg Quest LVIIIThe mighty, conquering Swarm asks, "Yo, Bromo Sapiens. What's up?"Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, d100 botch, Far too silly, hilarity ensues2011-10-20 10 
May 2012
18927361NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Mysterious nat100 futuregirl2012-05-01 15 
December 2013
29048785Monster Hunter for Table Top ApplicationMonsters killed with improbable weapons! Great Swords that are nothing more than sharpened pool tables, horns so big, they crush things when they hit. Crossbows used as support weapons! Speed and Combos Monster Drops! And more Crafting than you can shake a stick atMonster, Hunter, RPG, game, Design, Tables, d1002013-12-24 6 
February 2014
30510054Shadow Quest 100Conflict is never far away.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 100, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-27 22 
May 2015
39733479Hellborn Quest 100Sierra mugs a guy and speeds into the future.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1002015-05-04 21 
March 2016
45962850Novice Heretek Quest 100: The EndEnd thread in which I explain why I cannot run anymore and how I would have wished for it to end. Good bye to everybody. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ1002016-03-12 6 
July 2020
4348252Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of AingstgaardCooli tried and tried so hard that a mech quest materialized.mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot2020-07-13 8 
August 2020
4421709Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.5Second part of the wacky adventure of Zaur Givi and his crewmech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs2020-08-25 7 
October 2020
4495689Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7FinalĂ©mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs, whereismycommission2020-10-17 4 
September 2023
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
July 2024
6028310DISFORTUNA #1Welcome Captain, to the ruins of the universe. HAIL PSYDON! Go forth in glory and strife! Collective Game, Meta, DISFORTUNA, Roguelike, Drawquest, big natural 100s2024-07-24 4 
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