/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2011
14424699AK-47 The GameOP gives /tg/ an introduction to a tabletop that simulates the brutal brush wars of subsaharan africa with a tongue in cheek look. Awesome is had.Africa, mercenaries, ak47, 15mm, wargaming2011-03-31 6 
June 2012
19659667Only War Quest: The 156th Junonan Siege/tg/ makes a regiment, then explores the adventures of Sergeant Scrange and his motley gang of criminal misfitsOnly War Quest, 156th Junonan Siege, Only War, Collective Game2012-06-29 10 
March 2013
23657708Alternate History India 1915Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itselfAlternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice2013-03-14 18 
April 2013
24517289Shadow Quest 15The battle of Evinbrook continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 15, master2013-04-29 28 
September 2013
27288856Rune Magic Thread 4: Repeating Fireball EditionRune arrays, as far as the eye can seerunes, game design, homebrew, magic, we've been at this for 15 hours2013-09-18 6 
October 2013
27991461Starship 515 QuestYou awake on the floor, naked, next to an open cryogene-unit.Collective Game, Starship 515, Starship 515 Quest, Quest2013-10-29 6 
April 2014
31390426Shadow Quest 115The Shadow returns to the Nemesis.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-10 23 
31397623Shadow Quest 115 Part IIThe Shadow spars with Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-11 23 
June 2014
32533709Hellborn Quest 15A storm brews on the horizon, and Sierra asks Rowan for a favor.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 152014-06-03 22 
March 2015
38712021DBZ Human Quest #100In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Android, 13, 14, 15, Cell, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 
April 2015
39585415Will of the Ice Quest #3Randal buys supplies, learns more about the gods, prays to Tor and then has a conversation about their love with TristaQMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 3 2015-04-27 5 
July 2015
41093641Hellborn Quest 115Sierra talks with Moriah and goes to Porthcawl.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1152015-07-08 16 
May 2016
68958Hellborn Quest 150Sierra continues to confront a large woman.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1502016-05-06 13 
137470Hellborn Quest 151Sierra faces off with Anatu in a contest of will.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1512016-05-16 13 
June 2016
273615Hellborn Quest 152Sierra cuts a deal and begins extraction sequence.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1522016-06-19 11 
301639Hellborn Quest 153Sierra evacuates an island and bids farewell to Wolf.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1532016-06-26 15 
April 2017
1324989Zatch Bell Quest 15Dizzy, would you and your friends pls stop breaking things?Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part 15, Drachtma2017-04-09 2 
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