/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2009
4915895Fire is the best powerAnd /tg/ shows you why.Fire, burn, pyromaniacs2009-06-18 6 
December 2011
17109365/tg/ Meta Quest Planning ThreadIn which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition nextCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-05 6 
17117963/tg/ Meta Quest 32We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-06 13 
17137538/tg/ Meta Quest 33We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-08 12 
17161163/tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP editionOP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 8 
17179943/tg/ Meta Quest 34Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 11 
17194517/tg/ Meta Quest 35We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-13 11 
17206876/tg/ Meta Quest 36We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-14 14 
17239971/tg/ Meta Quest 38Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk2011-12-17 13 
17273710/tg/ Meta Quest 39More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-20 11 
17284731/tg/ Meta Quest 40We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-21 10 
17296729/tg/ Meta Quest 41We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-22 11 
March 2019
3357848Audas City Stories: Race 1A ghost hunter in a futuristic skatepunk city comes across an unusual visitor from the world below. Audas, ACS, Diarca, Quest, cyberpunk, geist2019-03-26 6 
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