/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2016
46399780Beast in the Sky Quest 2You discover the source of the mysterious light out on the lake, spend a day in the clockwork town of Peck, then see something unusual.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-02 8 
46531774Beast in the Sky Quest 3Isaac and crew rescue a damsel in distress, then make their way to Ao, only to run into two more.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-08 8 
46577568Pandora Quest 29.0The day of your date arrives and you do your best to not act like a complete idiot. You get a pleasant surprise.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-04-10 8 
46657202Beast in the Sky Quest 4Isaac and crew work out plans to get into the governor of Ao's palace, then are treated to an unwelcome surprise...Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-14 6 
46675887Beast in the Sky Quest 5Isaac and crew escapes the governor's palace with him in tow and makes it to his brother's, only to be given a new task.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-15 6 
46720835Pandora Quest 30.0You commence the real date with Theresa and have some rather shocking developments involving her.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-04-17 8 
46822729Beast in the Sky Quest 6Isaac and crew face off against a group of bandits holed up in the Longfall mountains, then make their way back to Ao.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-22 6 
46951386Beast in the Sky Quest 7Isaac and company have a night out on the town only to discover that someone hasn't been completely honest with them.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-28 5 
May 2016
47012407Pandora Quest 31.0You return from your trip and greet your android "children", learning a little more about Ares in the process.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-05-01 6 
47088343Beast in the Sky Quest 8Isaac and crew take some things up with Kakei regarding his "employees" and learns of a darker side to Tabby.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-05 6 
47122658Beast in the Sky Quest 9Isaac discovers something deadly serious and must get to the bottom of it before things get much, much worse.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-07 5 
47207354Beast in the Sky Quest 10Isaac gets closer and closer to solving the murder and discovers something that was almost left behind.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-12 5 
47259118Pandora Quest 32.0The two androids finally meet for the first time.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-05-15 6 
47342116Beast in the Sky Quest 11Isaac and Tabby pay their respects at Blakkaz, then head back to the ship for more intrigue regarding the murders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-20 3 
47378234Pandora Quest 33.0You discover some very dark mysteries surrounding Pandora's dreams.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-05-22 6 
June 2016
47582962Beast in the Sky Quest 12Isaac talks business with some fellow traders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-03 3 
47732711Pandora Quest 34.0You discuss Pandora's dreams as well as the morality of lies.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-06-12 6 
47827336Beast in the Sky Quest 13Isaac has some chats with his crew.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-18 2 
47846380Pandora Quest 35.0The investigation into Pandora's mysterious addition continues and you get a few suspects in the case.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-06-19 6 
47964663Pandora Quest 36.0You reap what you sow.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-06-26 6 
July 2016
48083656Pandora Quest 37.0From bad to worse.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-07-03 6 
351463Beast in the Sky Quest 14RIPSky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-07-09 0 
48314524Pandora Quest 38.0You leave some messages, answer some questions and lose something important.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-07-17 8 
August 2016
48662819Pandora Quest 39.0You meet an old friend and things are changed forever.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-08-07 7 
October 2016
678823Pandora Quest 40.0Dark times ahead...Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-10-09 2 
707656Pandora Quest 41.0Perspectives and worlds are changed, new faces are met and things go all wrong.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-10-16 2 
739907Pandora Quest 42.0You learn about what happened while you were asleep, have a meeting with the leader of your new group of companions and learn about Selene.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-10-23 2 
768137Pandora Quest 43.0New friends, possible leads to the humans and MAKEOVERS!Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-10-30 1 
November 2016
795695Pandora Quest 44.0You learn a little more about your new friends, hugs happen, you go on a field trip...Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-11-06 1 
849288Pandora Quest 45.0You meet with a familiar face and are thrust into a crisis. You learn about local folklore.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2016-11-20 1 
January 2017
1046791Pandora Quest 47.0You make your way to the Church's territory, meet the locals, then tragedy strikes.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-01-16 2 
1075033Pandora Quest 48.0You meet Hydra, the "eccentric" mechanic of the Church and continue your tour.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-01-23 1 
February 2017
1129275Pandora Quest 49.0You have a chat with Minos about how things are with the Church and Ares goes missing.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-02-05 3 
1153890Pandora Quest 50.0You and a special guest have a very important discussion about what needs to be done and how to do it.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-02-12 2 
1176382Pandora Quest 51.0Suspicions are had, plays are watched, events are witnessed, crowds are traversed.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-02-19 2 
March 2017
1231549Pandora Quest 52.0You join up with your friends once more, discuss slightly extreme methods and are impressed by how durable Ares is.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-03-07 2 
1280819Pandora Quest 53.0You bring Hydra back to the Broken Circle camp and go to your first day of work. AI love is in the air.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-03-21 2 
1303456Pandora Quest 54.0Much adieu about love.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-03-27 2 
April 2017
1369842Pandora Quest 55.0You make your way into Tartarus and meet it's denizens, for better or worse.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-04-17 3 
May 2017
1414719Pandora Quest 56.0You meet the denizens of the...Pizza Kingdom.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-05-01 1 
1441561Pandora Quest 57.0More drama unfolding within the Pizza Kingdom.Android, AI, Collective Game, Pandora, Artificial Intelligence, Pandora Quest, AM-PM, AM in the PM2017-05-11 2 
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