/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2012
19203944Magical Girl Questing MalaiMalai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 7 
19206472Magical Girl Questing Malai 2You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny DonnovitchCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 6 
19227809Magical Girl Questing Malai 3In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-25 7 
December 2013
28704031Good Eldritch Abominations/tg/ Tells of encounters with helpful abominations.Eldritch Abomination, good, 2013-12-07 45 
February 2015
38134108Horrific monstrosities of the deep sea/tg/ talks about some of the real-life abominations native to the deep sea, concludes that Aquaman is actually pretty badass. Also worldbuilding.Deep Sea, Monster, CoC, Terror, Abyss, Kill It With Fire, Abomination, Aquaman, Mermaids, Merfolk,2015-02-19 10 
38172946Abyss Thread Two: Aquatic VorealooContinued discussion of the horrors of the abyss, both real and /tg/-made.Deep Sea, Monster, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-24 3 
38277831Abyss Thread Three: Abyss HarderMore discussion, more worldbuilding, more fleshing out the mermaids of the deep.Deep Sea, Monstergirls, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-26 1 
August 2015
419138871 Flesh Civilization QuestA lump of flesh remembers its human name, gains minions, makes them sound like Morgan Freeman and lures in cats. Also hobo.Flesh Civilization Quest, Collective Game, Flesh Abomination, Body Horror2015-08-17 1 
41938450Flesh Civilization Quest 2In this, we spread more, make a Hand, remember past, and Morgan Freeman spiders go to pizzeria as we become plantflesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-18 3 
42031216Flesh Civilization Quest 3We meet humans and find a possible Ally. On top of that, we evolve.flesh civilization quest, collective game, body horror, flesh abomination, civilization game2015-08-23 1 
March 2016
46351268Blood Marked "Quest"We introduce Lucy Cook, a young woman in modern time who has suddenly gotten very good at killing, but very bad at hiding the evidence.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity2016-03-30 2 
April 2016
46373525Blood Marked "Quest" 2In which we have an odd dream, poke around a cave and a stream, cut our hair, and learn more about the little demon in the back of our head.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, Insanity2016-04-01 2 
46394015Blood Marked "Quest" 3We suffer a massive identity crisis as every new post gives us a new name. In the story we kill a man and plan to post pictures on the web.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity, April Fools 20162016-04-02 1 
46458081Blood Marked "Quest" 4In which we battle for control over our body... win... and learn more about what we've become.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity2016-04-05 1 
May 2016
60647Kabalite Quest 1Your name is Verynthor Sollint and you are a kabalite in service to Archon Trinost Akolemm of the Kabal of Shattered Masks.Kabal, Kabalite Quest, AlchemicalAbomination2016-05-11 3 
107666Kabalite Quest 2Ambushing gangers, and more!Kabal, Kabalite Quest, AlchemicalAbomination2016-05-11 4 
144394Kabalite Quest 3The thread takes a turn towards the seedy underbelly of slave pits and fight clubs. Are you not entertained?Alchemical Abomination, Alcehmical Abomination, Kabalite Quest, Dark Eldar, Deldar, Collective Game2016-05-22 3 
December 2017
56570631Imprisoned Ancient Evils/tg/ discusses the concept of hibernating cosmic horrors and worldbuilds their own examples. lovecraft, call of cthulhu, CoC, eldritch abomination, worldbuilding,2017-12-07 6 
November 2020
4489818STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.3The Exodus from Kakarit. Farren Gaelle defeats the Herald of Jombaral, becomes a Jedi Knight, and tries to find closure with Arotta Bashur.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Space Vietnam, Force Abominations, God Beams, Youngling Angst, Lightsaber Building2020-11-15 21 
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