/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2010
8846702LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 3Two hundred years after Part 2, Rachnus and his brother Alpharius plan the assault on a renegade human world suspected of sorcery. Rachnus recalls the death of his adoptive father Maloris, and he along with the Silencers (The Legion's Nulls) prepare to make planetfall.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-29 10 
8866464LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 4Rachnus Rageous and his Silencers land on the warp-infested planet, and make their way to the capital city's heart, only to find... Daemons.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, EMPRAH, TZEENTCH, OMEGON, ALPHARIUS, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-30 10 
April 2010
9096275XX Legion DiscussionEveryone is Alpharius (or Omegon). /tg/ comes up with a new wordfilter.Alpha Legion Alpharius Omegon Primarch2010-04-10 1 
February 2011
13939056Mission compromised!As an anon asks /tg/ for help tracking down an infiltrator among his Deathwatch squad, it is revealed that the traitor is either the informer, him, no one, or everyone. Heresy ensues.Alpha legion, Deathwatch, infiltrator, Alpharius Omegon2011-02-18 12 
November 2011
16980344Alpha Legion InfiltratorsIn which OP over-reacts, and no mention at all is made of the Paranoid Marines. Nothing to see here.paranoia, alpha legion, paranoid marines2011-11-21 15 
July 2013
26143217Stories from the 41st MilleniumA few writefags do 40k stuff, until one blows us away in a "Waiting for Godot 40k" style story.40k, writefaggotry, Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, cultist, Emperor's Children,2013-07-21 9 
July 2015
41111649Alpha Legionnaire QuestOur Freshly Minted Warpsmith sets up his base in an underhive, uses power of his Primarch to get Initiate laid.Collective Game, Alpha Legionnaire Quest, Alpha Legion2015-07-09 3 
41426530Alpha Legionnaire Quest IIBase is secured, expanded and fortified. Our initiate proves to have the Primarch's moves, and bags the local priestess. Workers are recruited, genestealers located and automated basics begin to take shape.Collective Game, Alpha Legionnaire Quest, Alpha Legion2015-07-24 2 
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