/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2010
803670940k Primarch argumentFerrus Manus, and Roboute Guilman argue, Ultramarines exposed as heretics.Heresy, Ultramarines, 40k2010-02-12 1 
June 2010
10837208The Starving KriegerSirs, the following details on the history, and subsiquent sightings of the entity known as The Starving Kreiger. May you find it most informative. Krieg, Writefaggotry, Ultramarines, Space Wolves2010-06-30 10 
October 2010
12495224A discussion on Space MarinesA question about Camo introduces Jim, the Reasonable Ultramarine, Bob the Fairly Decent Black Legionnaire, S'te've, the Fire Warrior who gets in fist fights with Orks, Fredd the Smart Ork and Jane the combat effective Sister of Battle.Marines, Camo, Jim, Ultramarines2010-10-19 3 
April 2011
14720935Übermarines/tg/ creates a new custom chapter: The (Almost) Perfect Space Marines The Übermarines!!Übermarines, custom chapter, deathwatch, spacemarines, ubermarines, ultramarines, warhammer 40k2011-04-28 0 
July 2011
15726159Matt Ward QuestYou are Matthew Ward, designer of Games Workshop, ruiner of balance and molester of ferretsMatt Ward, ADB, ULTRAMARINES, Spiritual Liege2011-07-28 15 
15729516Matt Ward Quest Part 2In which Matt Ward wins a battle against Aaron Dembski Bowden, retcons the fluff of the night lords and white scars, and encounter some black templarsMatt Ward Quest, Matt Ward, Ultramarines, Derp, Spiritual Liege2011-07-28 13 
March 2012
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
18443550Planetary Governor Quest: Part fourIn which we finally deal with the Genestealer problem, rebuild infrastructure, settle the Iron Dragons into their new home, and get a visit from your friendly neighborhood Departmento Munitorum Tax Collector.Planetary Governor Quest, Genestealers, Space Marines, Ultramarines, Salamanders, Tyranids, Orks, ork, RT, Rogue Trader, collective game, Rhino, Squats, furry, mutant, Ogryns, Imperium, Warhammer, 40K2012-03-25 20 
April 2012
18532118Planetary Governor Quest: Part 5We begin fortifying our cities, prepare for a confrontation with the Ultramarines, buy shit from RT, discover an STC printout, start work on various projects and begin planning our entrance into the Private Sector.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer,2012-04-01 20 
18717305Planetary Governor Quest: Part 6We reconcile with the Resistance, discover that the Munitorum Rep is an ex-Inquisitor (No surprise there) and fight off a massive Chaos raiding force.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition2012-04-15 25 
18809839Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7We start cleanup of the Chaos-Marine wrecked city, give a speech, and start negotiations with an asinine Ultramarines Captain.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition2012-04-22 20 
May 2012
19169232Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7.5A short and late session in which we finish negotiating with the Ultramarines, OP refines some things and the Quest scheduling is altered. Most of the problems can be attributed to the new 4chan HTML fucking up.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition, HTML2012-05-20 12 
June 2012
19679873Planetary Governor Quest: Part 13We take control of the Ork ship, recover delicious genetic-engineering Archeotech, peel the first layer off the Space Hulk, and start isolating the Chaos Frigate from everything elseCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Ultramarines, Space Marines, STC, AdMech, Inquisitor, Reasonable Marines, 40K Warhammer, Tau, Chaos, Space, Inquisition, HTML2012-06-30 16 
November 2012
21727680The Quest of Marneus Calgar IIThe search for pizzas has begun. Ultramarines, Quest Thread2012-11-24 0 
21742165The Quest of Marneus Calgar IIIMarneus Calgar is now fucking the orks up. Before that litanies of rappers were made. A tribute the great band Queen and Flash Gordon. However there is a twist.Ultramarines, Quest Thread,2012-11-25 0 
July 2013
26143217Stories from the 41st MilleniumA few writefags do 40k stuff, until one blows us away in a "Waiting for Godot 40k" style story.40k, writefaggotry, Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, cultist, Emperor's Children,2013-07-21 9 
June 2015
40782011Lets make a space marine chapter/tg/ Makes Iranian space marines40k, cc, close combat, space marines, astartes, ultramarines2015-06-24 1 
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