/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2009
5848416Paradox Games SUPER LONG LASTINGParadox discussion/Alt History thread. LASTS FOR AT LEAST 50 HOURS.Paradox, Alt History, Long lasting2009-09-16 6 
October 2011
16775381More Than Human Quest 3We get our money stolen, talk to john, and there is some other shit too.Collective Game, Average Human, More Than Human, Alt History, super heroes2011-10-30 12 
September 2013
27084917Armor Renegade QuestEarth has been conquered by aliens. We are a German vet whose past was just dredged up.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-09-08 7 
27242432Armor Renegade Quest 2We meet the family and punch an elf. Then we start to assemble the team, starting with our good friend and war buddy Heihachiro Hojo.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-09-16 4 
27351008Armor Renegade Quest 3We make the deal with our friend. The next day, we're woken up and told to get moving. We start to assemble the team.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-09-22 3 
27468601Armor Renegade Quest 4As we assemble the last of our team, the rebels start their offensive. We navigate through the city and get shot by the ISF.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-09-29 3 
October 2013
27586713Armor Renegade Quest 5After more Sidarxi intrigue and backstabbing, we finally go on a mission: tank hunting. Unfortunately, we end up with an entire infantry battalion chasing after us.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-10-06 2 
27826630Armor Renegade Quest 6We fight off a battalion of infantry and run away. Then, the desire to know more intensifies.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-10-20 2 
November 2013
28068122Armor Renegade Quest 7We talk with another space elf, and get somewhat angry at their mentality. We then wander the Sidarxi base. Beware the clipboard.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-11-03 2 
28472050Armor Renegade Quest 8.1We get drunk, try out some pickup lines, and go to bed. Our Sidarxi flatmate does not take the bait. Thread 8 was inconsequential.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2013-11-25 1 
January 2014
29287335Armor Renegade Quest 9We steal a prototype suit of Sidarxi power armor.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2014-01-06 2 
29437262Armor Renegade Quest 10We learn about our armor, hijack a plane, and leave for New Orleans. Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2014-01-12 2 
29606011Armor Renegade Quest 11Things do not go as planned when we lose our ride to a fighter plane.Collective Game, Armor Renegade Quest, Space Elves, Alt History, Power Armor2014-01-19 4 
May 2022
5266294Choose Your Own Faction, The Second Superweapon ( /civ/?)Experimental Format, 2031 Alt-His Setting, Turns into Wargaming as Democratic RussiansCYOF, Cyberpunk, Civ, TZAR Setting, Alternate History, Alt His, Alt-His, Near Future, Wargaming, Kill or Be Killed2022-05-24 2 
September 2023
5752819Tales from ThulzarIn an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Seemingly Abandoned2023-09-28 17 
October 2023
5788801Tales from Thulzar 2Galrick was now going to have to face the greatest challenge of them all.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History2023-10-09 13 
5789461The Collective #2Now, with an insider on your side, you have a chance to take down the vicious Collective once and for all. Totalitarian society alt-history.Alt history, totalitarian society, The Enforcers, Republic of Talus2023-10-10 1 
May 2024
5995477Tales from Thulzar 3Fhor is on a hunt, but a strange being is making her feel and remember things. Very nice things.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Melons, Orange Massage, Triple Fun2024-05-08 10 
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