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September 2017
1883765Delinquent Isekai Quest 1Billy "Bat" Iwo, Japanese high school delinquent, gets the isekai treatment via truck and shows to a bunch of mobs what Banchous are made Isekai Delinquent, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-09-25 22 
1899453Delinquent Isekai Quest #2Billy the Bat, finding there are no baseball bats in this new world, fashions one and begins an investigation on a serial kidnapper.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-09-29 16 
October 2017
1915032Delinquent Isekai Quest #3Billy finally solves the crime of the missing women, and manages to uncover a far more insidious threat - The Twelve. [CRITICALS INTENSIFY]Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-10-05 10 
1933577Delinquent Isekai Quest #4 Billy "The Bat" Iwo has another amazing sleepwalking adventure before going on a daring midnight raid.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-10-17 10 
1966034Delinqent Isekai Quest #5Billy, after recovering from a leg injury, helps out his new place of residence out with a plague problem. He uses his bat of course.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-10-23 5 
November 2017
2002666Isekai Delinquent Quest #5.1Billy's ready to go on trial, but not before fighting in a gang war. A conclusion to an chapter living in the magical realm of Aetherion.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-11-03 6 
2037499Delinquent Isekai Quest #6Billy and Charlotte finally leave Prontia, but heading westward proves to get them in deep trouble as they search for a prodigal son.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-11-13 5 
2066956Delinquent Isekai Quest #7Billy finally gets ALL his stuff back, and begins to repay his new elf friend, Rya, for helping him do so by helping her go on a manhunt.Isekai, Delinquent, Isekai Delinquent Quest, Collective Game, Truck-kunQM, Banchou, Billy Bat Iwo2017-11-27 5 
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