/qst/ Thread Archive

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June 2016
48000749Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 1]We make our Master, summon our Servant Kiyohime, and get started on recon around the city.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 1 
48009386Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 2]We run into an almost inhuman Master in the park, and talk with Tokiomi about two other Masters he's gotten information on. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 5 
48026302Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 3]We spy on a strange nun in the Church, stop by the Matou house for a bit, and meet with the strange nun who's unsurprisingly our overseer.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-29 2 
July 2016
48043523Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 4]In which we find a Master's base and a frightening mental interference ability, and get our first death at the hands of an unseen enemy. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-01 1 
48069137Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5]In which we find out about an assassination attempt on the overseer, and a bounty on Assassin's head for it.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
48084133Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5.1]In which we refuse Xuan's offer, arrive too late to save the Einzberns, and just sort of walk around their now-empty castle.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
48171020Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 6]In which we kidnap Shinji. Yeah. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-09 1 
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