/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2014
36366996Kabbalah QuestQM decides to quit, but a thousand others step to fill in the gap!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-25 22 
36386119Kabbalah QuestThe ride never endsKabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-25 13 
36399750Kabbalah Quest 3We finally face the HEAVENLY SIX, and some shit after maybe?Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-26 10 
36410198Kabbalah Quest 4The village is under attack by a horde of demons! How do they fare? Read on to find out!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-27 8 
36418215Kabbalah Quest 5We purge Fel's resident communism and head back to check up on Ma. Bigg makes a reappearance in an overly dramatic manner. What happens next?Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-27 8 
36440103Kabbalah Quest 6We follow the exploits of Lisa after she gets separated from her Daddy.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-28 6 
36458784Kabbalah Quest 7Jonny wakes up in a ditch and wanders the plains lost. Then he builds a small shrine to the Bone God...Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-29 6 
36472294Kabbalah Quest 8Indian guy gets hired by demons to be hired by... something else? Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-11-30 7 
December 2014
36504750Kabbalah Quest 9More adventures of Yumi, Rasina and DalitaKabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-02 4 
36538058Kabbalah Quest 10We seduce someone into suicide, kill an orc then pick up Jonny's side of thingsKabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-04 4 
36580728Kabbalah Quest 11The siblings are reunited and spend some time catching up with each others' exploitsKabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-06 6 
36667100Kabbalah Quest 12Dalita has an out of body experience and a new hero (antihero?) is born!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-11 3 
36727554Kabbalah Quest 13Hanzo get's lynched by a mod, will his Mom be able to save him? Then we follow Fel as she tries out her new wings!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-15 2 
36777777Kabbalah Quest 14Lisa and Jonny meet a strange flying person, who could it be?! Warning: features impromptu ninjas.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-16 2 
36798310Kabbalah Quest 15Lisa and Jonny find themselves embroiled in combat, combat everywhere!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-17 3 
36974568Kabbalah Hero BuilderSo many new heroes going on adventures! Along some of their journeys, our heroes try to resist demon booty, escape some bandit spider people, and kick ass.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Builder, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2014-12-29 2 
January 2015
37029577Kabbalah Hero Builder: Thread 2In which desks get thrown, paladins get tipsy, demons get slain, and a moose is fought. But will Aya ever find out who she is?Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Builder, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-02 2 
37124164Kabbalah Hero Builder: Thread 3A trio of onis are bested, a demon is bested/Slab fixes a misty gaze, a summoning goes awry, a receptionist makes a daring escape, potted plants get kidnapped, the moose falls, Aya has a funky dream and a fever! Get down, get down!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Builder, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-07 2 
37200291Kabbalah Hero Builder: Thread 4In which the bullied fights back, tall tales are told to a magician, a dryad is rescued, a downtrodden sandal is bested, a demon is flayed, a warrior is captured, a cave is made cosy and a gunner grapples a panther.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Builder, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-11 2 
37301860Kabbalah Hero Builder: Thread 5In which there's some drinking, the retiarius is killed, the mummy breaks free, an angel finds some more and Ninnius forgets bonuses to rolls.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Builder, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-16 2 
37552347Kabbalah Quest 16.5Ash the Dhampir and Trideag the Leperchaun encounter a spooky treasure chest!Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-25 1 
37579742Kabbalah Quest 16.66The Mimic is tamed, and the party heads west. MEANWHILE, in Africa...Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-01-30 1 
February 2015
37726980Kabbalah Quest 17The Warlord is stopped, and the Crown Prince of Angola becomes an MC for a bit.Kabbalah Quest, Insanity, Collective Game, Demons, Comical, Funny2015-02-02 0 
September 2016
570135/qst/ Discussion ThreadBoard Discussion Thread for /qst/brainstorming, Comical, politics, Diplomacy, design, Death World2016-09-23 22 
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