/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2009
7349671Chewy Quest IVChewy is sent to Medrengard to RIP'N'TEAR by Slaanesh, on his quest to return to the Materium.Doomlictor, tyranid, quest, Chewy, Lictor, warp, medrengard, daemons2009-12-31 1 
March 2013
23684915/tg/ plays Vassal 40kChaos Daemons vs Necrons, 500 points. Bloodthirster goes on a rampage, no survivors.Vassal 40k, Collective Game, Necrons vs Daemons2013-03-15 5 
October 2013
27780470Space Marine QuestWe create the Warp Slayers chapter and begin our questSpace Marine, Quest, Warp Slayers, Chaos, Daemons2013-10-17 8 
December 2014
36825105Ignitrix Sidequest #1In which we attend an Opera as a maid and discover that everyone else is actually the daemonsCollective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, daemons, ELH2014-12-18 13 
36863490Ignitrix Sidequest #2In which Iggy gets her own Rosette and starts corrupting some acolytes.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Irony, daemons, ELH2014-12-20 12 
May 2016
97108Black Company Quest #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We achieve a hat trick of awful rolls. And also kill our other bossBlack Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Shit rolls, No Parents, Daemons2016-05-09 26 
137017Black Company Quest #7The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Brothers are saved, faces are ruined and dragons are -not- tamed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Daemons, not the face, local man ruins everything, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD,2016-05-16 26 
December 2016
50572576Sisters of Battle as Daemons of the Emperor/tg/ writes a new backstory for Living Saints and other warp-spawned manifestations of Imperial faith. An army of Imperial Daemons results.worldbuilding, daemons, sisters of battle, imperial cult, ecclesiarchy, chaos, warp,2016-12-09 15 
50634307 SoB as Imperial Daemons, Second VerseContinuing from the last thread. Expanding the New Empire of Man now that The God-Emperor of Mankind is a literal Chaos God. Fluff abounds!worldbuilding, daemons, imperial cult, chaos, The Emperor is a literal Chaos God2016-12-15 2 
50722355SoB demons, probably the last threadFinal iteration of the Imperial Daemon threads. May the Emperor protect us as we create the fluff for this world.worldbuilding, daemons, imperial cult, chaos, The Emperor is a literal Chaos God2016-12-21 4 
October 2020
4472727Daemon Civilization QuestWe follow an exiled Daemon Prince as he tries to build his own empire in the mortal worldCivilization, Civ, Daemons, Demons, Giants, Empire-Builder, RPG, Nether,2020-10-05 0 
January 2022
82847470We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone.Story time, write fag, Warhammer30k, word bearers, time travel, daemons 2022-01-16 27 
October 2023
90441338We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador.Story time, Word Bearer, write fag, time travel, daemons, Warhammer 30k, isekai2023-10-03 27 
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