/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2016
700990Tankies Quest 1We set out for Villers-Bocage and move into the town. Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-10-18 3 
733452Tankies Quest 2: Duel in VillersIn which we fight a Tiger.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-10-22 2 
November 2016
788501Tankies Quest 3: CounterstrokeWe secure Villers-Bocage, then have to end the run early.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-11-05 2 
815301Tankies Quest 4: The Battle of Villers-Bocage Part 1We prepare for the battle in proper and set up for an ambush.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-11-12 2 
820115Tankies Quest 5: The Battle of Villers-Bocage Part 2In which we ambush the Bosche and then take to the offence.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-11-16 2 
842936Tankies Quest 6: Behind Enemy LinesIn which we continue behind the enemy, find some intel and attack!Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-11-19 2 
871455Tankies Quest 7: Knock Down, Drag OutA very short session, and we discuss possible changes to the quest format. Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-11-28 2 
December 2016
932002 Tankies Quest 8: Knock Down, Drag Out Part 2In which we change format and attack the enemy CP.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2016-12-21 2 
February 2017
1124426Tankies Quest 9: Afternoon TeaIn which we finish the quest.Tankies Quest, Danon, Collective Game2017-02-10 1 
1180409Ouroboros SagaVincent got drifted in a strange new world and meet its first denizen:the Green PeopleOuroboros Saga,SadAnon,Collective Game2017-02-21 1 
1205323The Balancer Oneshot QuestExorcist Father John Fisher Investigate a strange occurrence plaguing a new family in the neighborhood.Collective Game, SadAnon, Supernatural, Investigation Gameplay2017-02-26 5 
March 2017
1222683The Third KingdomThe continuation of Balancer Quest. You play as Arien Fisher, adopted son of Father John Fisher, in exploring haunted areasCollective game, Third Kingdom Quest, sadAnon, Supernatural2017-03-03 5 
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