/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2015
37166160Feral Necromancer Quest 1Necromancer in a tribal settingNecromancer, Collective Game, DeadQM2015-01-05 39 
37443856Feral Necromancer Quest IIIWherein living elves are bastards, and dead elves are bros.Collective Game, Feral Necromancer Quest, Necromancer, DeadQM2015-01-18 26 
37505338Feral Necromancer Quest IVWherein we nearly burn the forest down.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-01-20 26 
37513547Feral Necromancer Quest VWherein we defeat improbable foesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-01-21 23 
37592772Feral Necromancer Quest VIWherein DeadQM is drunkCollective Game, Feral Necromancer Quest, Necromancer, DeadQM2015-01-25 22 
February 2015
37752832Feral Necromancer Quest VIIWherein we timeskip, create a homunculus and NOPE.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-02-01 20 
37906421Feral Necromancer Quest VIIIWherein we visit the elves. Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-02-08 21 
37926686Feral Necromancer Quest IXWherein we visit the gnolls and practice alchemyFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-02-08 22 
38225760Feral Necromancer Quest XWherein we go into the mountains.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-02-22 21 
March 2015
38377969Feral Necromancer Quest XIWherein we make a major plot advancement happen.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-01 21 
38542000Feral Necromancer Quest XIIWherein we visit the humans and the servers dieFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-08 20 
38557220Feral Necromancer Quest XII pt. 2Wherein we live up to our name.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-08 21 
38703433Feral Necromancer Quest XIIIWherein Melandie is the only competent person in the party. Possibly the world.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-15 22 
38749792Feral Necromancer Quest XIVWherein we are dickless, but finally grow some ballsFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-17 27 
38852773Feral Necromancer Quest XVWherein we bear unbearable misfortunes.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-03-22 22 
June 2015
40497082Feral Necromancer Quest XVIWherein we do some construction work and do Tepish DiplomacyFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-06-10 20 
40579903Feral Necromancer Quest XVIIWherein we fight a duel and plan a feastFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-06-14 20 
40715473Feral Necromancer Quest XVIIIWherein we hold an epic feast and fight a terrible battleFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-06-21 20 
July 2015
41264630Feral Necromancer Quest XIXWherein we go on a rampage and meet a godFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-07-17 15 
41305437Feral Necromancer Quest XXWherein we bury a friendFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-07-19 14 
August 2015
41607813Feral Necromancer Quest XXIWherein we go into the sea and into the desertFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-02 14 
41731551Feral Necromancer Quest XXII Part 1Wherein we follow the desert elvesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-08 11 
41736039Feral Necromancer Quest XXII Part 2Wherein we visit the desert elvesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-08 12 
41872982Feral Necromancer Quest XXIIIWherein we traverse the desert.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-15 12 
42092271Feral Necromancer Quest XXIVWherein we meet another god and Lathrien goes through some changesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-26 15 
42171543Feral Necromancer Quest XXV Wherein we find where the spiders come fromFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-30 11 
42176612Feral Necromancer Quest XXV Part 2Wherein oh god, so many spidersFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-08-30 11 
September 2015
42759570Feral Necromancer Quest XXVIWherein we become the hero of what remains of the dwarven kingdomsFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-09-28 12 
October 2015
42907269Feral Necromancer Quest XXVIIWherein we find some kobolds. Oh and a dracolich.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-10-06 13 
43000568Feral Necromancer Quest XXVIIIWherein elves elf elvesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-10-11 12 
43125839Feral Necromancer Quest XXIXWherein we prepare for the greatest battle of our timeFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-10-18 11 
43279702Feral Necromancer Quest XXXWherein we break the human army and nearly break the land. Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-10-26 11 
November 2015
43540673Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIWherein we deal with the consequences of the battle.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-11-09 11 
43642570Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIIWherein we become immortal.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-11-15 13 
December 2015
44000395Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIIIWherein we have a slice of lifeFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-12-05 10 
44131972Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIVWherein we meet orcs and dryads.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2015-12-13 11 
January 2016
44564206Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVWherein we watch ourselves around elves.Feral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-01-05 11 
March 2016
45762952Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVIWherein we deal with prisonersFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-03-03 10 
April 2016
46859556Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVIIWherein we negotiate with PernitesFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-04-24 7 
May 2016
47063208Feral Necromancer Quest XXXVIIIWherein we take the God of Knowledge and Magic for a rideFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-05-03 8 
47388479Feral Necromancer Quest XXXIXWherein it all endsFeral Necromancer Quest, Feral Necromancer, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-05-23 6 
August 2016
48551561Urban Warlock Quest ISand, Bones, Neon, and a Faerie LadyUrban Warlock Quest, Urban Warlock, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-08-01 37 
48670599Urban Warlock Quest IILarceny, Trade, Terror and a HeistUrban Warlock Quest, Urban Warlock, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-08-07 25 
48705024Urban Warlock Quest IIIWitchcraft, Wizardry, Cocktails and a Spell of ProtectionUrban Warlock Quest, Urban Warlock, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-08-09 25 
48936123Urban Warlock Quest IVFire, Guns and Faerie LawUrban Warlock Quest, Urban Warlock, DeadQM, Collective Game2016-08-22 21 
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