/qst/ Thread Archive

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October 2010
12290937Destroyer Quest IThe Empire is in flames. From the ashes arise a Droid Captain of the Imperial Navy to save the day.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-02 8 
12340707Destroyer Quest IIIn which nothing much happens since hardly anyone showed up. The story continues Wed 06 1500PSTDestroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-06 7 
12352590Destroyer Quest IIIIn which our droid captain darn goofs when reporting in, but still kicks the crap out of an enemy ground assault.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-07 6 
12399064Destroyer Quest IVIn which our droid captain gives the enemy a taste of their own virus while attempting to get off the planet.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-11 5 
12444295Destroyer Quest VIn which our captain takes exception to another droid, and goes out with a bang.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-15 4 
12536856Destroyer Quest Redux ICaptain Farlander goes to Harridan, encounters a toxic situation, and puts on a good show for the media.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-23 5 
12569815Destroyer Quest Redux IICaptain Farlander plans a dirty assassination, only to discover someone had the same idea.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-26 5 
12614432Destroyer Quest Redux IIICaptain Farlander halts another chemical attack, and digs deeper into the mystery.Destroyer Quest, Collective Game, Star Destroyer, Star Wars2010-10-30 5 
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