/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2009
5519853Divers SettingAn anon describes his setting idea, based around slipping into a supernatural world.Diver, Dagda, setting2009-08-20 3 
5545726Divers Setting, Pt. 2Dagda and /tg/ kick around a few ideas, discussing plot hooks and other useful things.Diver, Dagda, setting2009-08-22 1 
May 2014
32445261Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 2 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 2) You are MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War. Fighting terrorists in Azadistan, you discovered and fended off a seemingly impossibly huge mech that was shielded with a mysterious energy field. Witnessing the mysterious unit brought you to the attention of MITHRIL, a secret organization dedicated to safeguarding and controlling the proliferation and development of dangerous technologies of unknown origin. You and your squad have been brought on board the Mithril airborne command ship, the Cu Chulainn, and introduced to its captain, teenage prodigy Teletha Testarossa. TimeDiver, Collective Game, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest2014-05-30 4 
32462969Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 3 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 3) When we last saw MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War, he was being introduced to Melissa Mao and Kurz Weber, pilots of the secret organization Mithril onboard the airborne carrier Cu Chulainn. We now continue with the results of the last vote from the previous thread.Collective Game, TimeDiver, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest2014-05-31 3 
July 2015
41540825Western Roman Empire in Medieval eraDiscussion on a divergent history dealing with the western roman empire not fallinghomwbrew, divergent history, rome2015-07-30 7 
September 2015
42420887Divergent Evolution #1/tg/ tries to create life. Dicks everywhereevolution, divergent, game2015-09-12 2 
42489185Divergent Evolution #3Extinction kills all the Mulu, only the strong survive and thriveevolution, divergent, game, extinction2015-09-15 1 
42465412Divergent Evolution #2Reboot of #1. A beginning of life and the era of ambush predators.Collective Game, Divergent, Evolution, Evogame2015-09-17 1 
42508285Divergent Evolution #4Organisms, plant and animal alike, make their way on land.Collective Game, Divergent, Evolution, Evogame2015-09-17 3 
October 2015
43024144Planet Evo #1An evogame using the Divergent starters. Over time, the plantlife of this world saturated the oceans with arsenic.Collective Game, Planet Evo, Evolution Game, Evogame, Divergent2015-10-16 3 
43050136Planet Evo #2With time, the buildup of poison in the oceans dissipate somewhat. Later, a super-volcano's eruption triggers a chain reaction of eruptions.Collective Game, Planet Evo, Evolution Game, Evogame, Divergent2015-10-16 2 
June 2016
308573Post Apoc Militia Quest: The Evergreen SettlementA militia group struggles to survive in an American wasteland.Holy Diver, Post Apoc Militia Quest2016-06-28 1 
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