/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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September 2016
580510Earthbender Quest #1Things get off to a violent startCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-17 28 
590944Earthbender Quest #2Having evaded the army, Sei Fong and Lantana head for a temple to the NorthCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-19 23 
603523Earthbender Quest #3Lantana and Sei recruit someone new to their groupCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-21 21 
614669Earthbender Quest #4Another person joins the team, and Sei picks up a new skillCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-24 21 
629224Earthbender Quest #5Tensions begin to rise, and Sei finally talks to someone besides LantanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-27 18 
October 2016
642707Earthbender Quest #6The Hunter appearsCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-01 15 
665687Earthbender Quest #7The team has another boss fight.Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-06 5 
673107Earthbender Quest #7 (for real)Finally reaching the mountains, the gang proceeds toward the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-08 17 
744393Earthbender Quest #8The battle comes to an end, and the journey continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-24 21 
766339Earthbender Quest #9The gang has nearly reached the Air Temple, but something sinister may stand in their wayCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-30 20 
November 2016
794463Earthbender Quest #10The gang finally reaches the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-06 20 
824653Earthbender Quest #11Lantana begins her Airbender training, and the others prepare for the inevitable confrontation with KalanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-14 24 
839433Earthbender Quest #12Training continues at the temple, and Sei makes a betCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-18 22 
856491Earthbender Quest #13As the battle in the Northern Air Temple comes to a close, tragedy strikes, and Kalana acquires something valuableCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-22 25 
876585Earthbender Quest #14The gang starts their journey to the west while dealing with their lossesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-28 20 
December 2016
904167Earthbender Quest #15Ruins strengthen resolves, and the journey to the coast continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-05 18 
930096Earthbender Quest #16Lantana makes a decisionCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-12 20 
959529Earthbender Quest #17The gang readies itself to strike against Kalana's forcesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-21 15 
976966Earthbender Quest #18The counterattack is launched, and the gang discusses a strange visitCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-27 7 
January 2017
1011917Earthbender Quest #19Sei and Sansha begin to follow Kalana, but others seem to be following themCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-06 9 
1036756Earthbender Quest #20Sei and Sansha travel to reunite with the othersCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-13 18 
1055097Earthbender Quest #21Sei and Huo go on a trip, and a village falls under attackCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-17 15 
1081861Earthbender Quest #22Having reached his city, the party moves in to confront XiongCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-24 15 
February 2017
1143394Earthbender Quest #23To nobody's surpriseCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-02-09 21 
March 2017
1255826Avatar world quest #1Earthbender and stuff.Avatar, Drachtma, Collective Game, Earthbender2017-03-16 0 
April 2018
2504787TT Quest #FINSomnius, posing as a new QM, crushes anons hopes under a pile of rocks yet again. They never saw it coming.Collective Game, Quest, Teen, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG, Master, of, Games, TT Quest, SOMNIUS, Rocks fall, Earthbender, 2018-04-26 8 
April 2020
4168708Dragonball Quest 185: Earthbender Quest 23The next one might not be a joke... https://www.strawpoll.me/19460870Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius, Dralo, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball2020-04-01 0 
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