/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2011
13986169Harlem Quest - VIThe newest Installation of Harlem Quest.Harlem Quest, Duke, Ellington, Enforcer, Prohibtion, Quest2011-02-21 24 
14065396Harlem Quest - VThe next in the Sudding Quest ark. Join Ellington and Pals in their Travels through Prohibition Era Harlem as the Black necromancer. Duke.Harlem Quest, Duke, Ellington, Enforcer, Prohibtion, Quest2011-02-27 22 
March 2011
14114290Harlem Quest VIIIDuke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead.Harlem Quest HarlemQuest Ellington2011-03-03 25 
14384797Harlem Quest IXHarlem Quest returns for more derring doing.Harlem, Harlem Quest, Ellington, HarlemQuest2011-03-28 20 
April 2011
14461884Harlem Quest XDuke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead. Harlem, Harlem Quest, Ellington, HarlemQuest2011-04-04 21 
14523263Harlem Quest XIDuke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead.Harlem, Harlem Quest, Ellington, HarlemQuest2011-04-09 20 
14694234Harlem Quest XIIDuke - a necromancer, a mobster and all round nasty guy goes around getting shit done in a 1920s Harlem where magic is just another tool to get ahead.Harlem, Harlem Quest, Ellington, HarlemQuest2011-04-24 16 
14738127Harlem Quest XIIIWe play Tango with Troy but our intimate dance is cut down short by 4chan going down Harlem, Harlem Quest, Ellington, HarlemQuest2011-04-28 15 
February 2013
23087131Breaking L.A. Part 1The semi sequel to Harlem Quest.Breaking L.A. Quest, Ellington, Harlem Quest, Collective Game2013-02-10 13 
23089425Breaking L.A. Part 1.5An immortal journalist in the midst of the Great Depression who can speak to the spirit of anything starts work on his next big scoop: digging up dirt on a Texan oil tycoon coming to Los Angeles.Breaking L.A. Quest, Ellington, Harlem Quest, Collective Game2013-02-11 12 
August 2013
26824098/tg/ Text Adventure 3Having 'dealt with' the centaurs, our intrepid hero completely fucks up all of his spells and very nearly dies.Necromancer, Text Adventure, Text Adventure Quest, Skellingtons2013-08-25 4 
November 2017
56200296Demon Hunter Halloween 2017 Aftermath/tg/ counts casualties and takes inventory of survivors. It does not look good.halloween, 2017, aftermath, demons, skellingtons, spooky, scary, skeletons, survivors, demon hunters, hunters2017-11-03 3 
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