/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2008
1635166World Building, Part 1A simple call for original content, worldgen, and re-imaginings turns into a goldmine of new material.d20, gurps, original content2008-05-01 0 
June 2008
1975920Kids vrs. ZombiesAn inquisitor prestige class build request segues into little kids fighting zombies, gurps, and mind reading.GURPS, Zombies, Little Fears, Kids, namefaggotry2008-06-12 6 
November 2008
2948957Plot Hooks: IN SPACE!Decent discussion about sidequests/plot-hooks in a generic sci-fi setting, neat pictures, and minor trolling at the end.Sci-Fi, Gurps, Plot Hooks2008-11-06 0 
2948069Tales of Nova EuropaIn one of the most crazy-awesome GURPS settings ever, a GM looks for even more distilled win to pour into the mix. He then details a setting that quietly puts Exalted to shame. Decent pics are included. And a writeup of the group's shenanigans is promised for the future. Nova Europa, GURPS, setting, Scandia and the Titanium Mountainside2008-11-07 10 
2964603Nova Europa TranscriptsThe first sessions of the epic GURPS campaign are transcribed as promised. More of the setting is revealed. Decent pics too.Nova Europa, transcripts, GURPS2008-11-09 8 
August 2009
5363368Gurps: Enemy UnknownWork is started on converting X-com into a GURPS settingX-com, Xcom, Gurps, Homebrew, setting,2009-08-08 2 
5395907GURPS: Enemy Unknown 2Continued with new work.X-com, Xcom, Gurps, Homebrew, setting2009-08-10 1 
April 2010
9079169Discworld with GURPS/tg/ teaches a troll about the beauty of Discworld and GURPSfemanon GURPS discworld troll mary sue2010-04-09 3 
July 2010
11120613The Rousing Tale of Suicide Man!/tg/ learns the fun and productive ways that body jumping can kill Here's a hint, making 12 cops dive from sky scraper windowshero, body jump, funny, nightmare fuel, suicide, gurps2010-07-14 12 
11158582Suicide man returnsSuicide man is back with another session, and unlike others, doesn't draw out the story time like an attention whore.Suicide, Suicide man, gurps, funny, story, story time2010-07-16 8 
October 2010
12373636Making a GURPS character/tg/ creates an Indian cyborg politician in a dystopian Science fiction/transhumanist universe.Indian, transhuman, transhumanism, cyborg, mooks, politics, GURPS, dice2010-10-08 3 
March 2011
14222798Iron GURPSIron GURPS is where you take three d100, roll them, and then look up the result on a table of GURPS books. Then you take the three books and combine them in a mashup for a setting for your game.Iron GURPS, GURPS, Campaign settings, Campaigns, Campaign, 3d1002011-03-13 3 
July 2011
15762579Mourning for Monkey-BroAnon recounts the story of how he - a human in a world of human-hating furries - was saved by the dude whose Monkey PC sacrificed himself. /tg/ helps to plan a way to avenge the fallen hero - by building a resistance: an Empire of Simians.furry GURPS manlytears revenge 2011-07-31 18 
September 2011
16389889Caught Off GuardITT shit players said that caught you off guard and/or made you laugh out loudPlayer stories, Dungeons & Dragons, Roleplaying, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer 40k, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer2011-09-23 15 
April 2012
18615638GURPS Alpha Centauri featuring Space Wizard ZakharovThread retelling the exploits of a probe team in GURPS. Featuring appearances from Prokhor Zakharov, master troll and space wizard.Alpha Centauri, GURPS, Zakharov, Space Wizard2012-04-08 11 
May 2013
25064084RPGs for kids/tg/ discuss games they've ran for children.Harry Potter, /tg/, rpgs, GURPS, storytime, adorable, Toon, Mouse Guard2013-05-28 7 
March 2014
30925160Island Lamia Development/tg/ helps OP flesh out lamias in his setting as a group of rad fishing island-dwellerslamia, island, setting, world building, GURPS2014-03-19 11 
December 2014
36549600"Artistic" spellcraftingA short, but insightful thread on how spells can be developed in a way more similar to art than science for tabletop.ideas, magic, spellcasting, art, GURPS2014-12-05 0 
November 2015
43459485How to be awesome in GURPSGURPS and GURPS discussion for newbies or people looking for resources.GURPS, Resources2015-11-07 3 
November 2016
875456Oddside Down Part 1 (Moved)This is Gurps powered that was seen in 4chan before moving to another site.Oddside Down, God Tier GM, God Tier GM, Gurps.2016-11-29 2 
May 2017
1497059World Struck: Universe 3This is a GURPS Session that is both a Campaign Comic and a Story-line RP. This game is on a hiatus and it might revisit the idea later.World Struck, GURPS, QSTs on hiatus.2017-05-27 0 
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