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September 2013
27143752Miskatonic University Quest 1In which we make our way to Miskatonic University and discover that all is not what it seems.Miskatonic University Quest, Miskatonic University, Miskatonic, Collective Game, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, Horror, Lovecraftian Horror, Prose, Hangman, Arkham2013-09-11 15 
27167817Miskatonic University Quest 2We begin the quest watching a court of cats in the strange hour that seemed to not exist for most of the world. After a dream sequence it's almost lunch time, and OP had to take an early leave.Miskatonic University Quest, Miskatonic University, Collective Game, Miskatonic, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, Horror, Prose, Hangman, Arkham2013-09-12 7 
27186916Miskatonic University Quest 3We begin to decipher the Tome we found in the library, continue to be anti-social, and eventually take a jog with Jack.Miskatonic University Quest, Miskatonic University, Collective Game, Miskatonic, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, Horror, Prose, Hangman, Arkham2013-09-13 4 
27202643Miskatonic University Quest 4After a conversation with Jack we continue to be asocial then go out into the hedge maze in order to perform the ritual...Miskatonic University Quest, Miskatonic University, Collective Game, Miskatonic, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, Horror, Prose, Hangman, Arkham2013-09-14 2 
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