/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2011
14694420TITANSAve Imperator! Badass Titan stories and Creed Dickery.Badass, Titans, Creed, Ave Imperator2011-04-24 8 
March 2013
23911732Demi Quest II Thread 2Alex 'Ace' Hanger and Danny Melon are paired up and sent to their new assignment in the abomination and barbarian infested jungles of the east. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-03-28 24 
23946301Demi Quest II Thread 3Hanger and Melon finish their first combat, and are introduced to their new posting and the people they will be serving with. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-03-30 24 
April 2013
23999604Demi Quest II Thread 4In this installment of Demi Quest, we perform our first real mission alongside Cheshire, the hunt for a rare breed of Abomination. The dice are out for Melon's blood. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-02 23 
24037501Demi Quest II Thread 5In this installment, Alex Hanger heads back to base with a vicious battle along the way. Afterwards, we catch some well deserved rest, and switch perspective to Vortez, pilot of Apex. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator, Salaya Vortez, Apex2013-04-04 23 
24131344Demi Quest II Thread 6In this abridged session, Alex "Ace" Hanger wakes from his post-battle slumber and handles getting Imperator some improved weaponry. He begins to eat breakfast.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-09 22 
24171990Demi Quest II Thread 7In this installment, Alex Hanger visits the armory and camp store, then spars with the McGard twins and schools them in darts. Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-11 22 
24300774Demi Quest II Thread 8Alex 'Ace' Hanger spars in tandem with Pitcher, and mingles with the other pilots before reporting with Melon to receive his next mission. Also, Doctor is alive and unharmed.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-18 22 
24341540Demi Quest II Thread 9Imperator and Cheshire go out on patrol, are ambushed and forced to retreat. Retter leads a counterstrike, but is defeated, and Pitcher is critically wounded. Yearning for vengeance, Melon volunteers the pair to go back out, and hunt the Huntress.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-20 22 
24403589Demi Quest II Thread 10Ace and Melon take on the Huntress at the Lake outpost. A tense battle unfolds, death at every corner as the lights of battle are reflected on the once peaceful waters.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-04-23 22 
May 2013
24572643Demi Quest II Thread 11The duo send a message back to base reporting on the success of their mission. Afterward, Ace and Melon take some time to ponder on the nature of their now deceased enemy.Demi Quest, Collective Game, Alex Hanger, Ace, Imperator2013-05-02 23 
March 2014
31122811Imperator Dirae, aka: Hell HarlotsWe roll the dice to make another guard regiment and end up with a collection of knife-loving, bloodthirsty female convicts.Only War, Imperal Guard, Imperator Dirae, Hell Harlots2014-03-29 6 
May 2022
5225732Imperator AcademyA dating sim qst where you fall in love and date in the AU of Warhammer High Imperator Academy, qst, dating sim2022-05-09 3 
June 2022
5275841Imperator Academy Quest 2Maximilian Kolbe gets invited to a "family dinner" of imperial proportions, meets the primarchs, and then QM abandons the quest.Imperator Academy, Collective Game, 40k, dating sim, VacationingQM2022-06-16 2 
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