/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2010
8824506Ace Attorney Investigations: 40kInquisitors Franziska vonKarma and Miles Edgeworth investigate the murder of their fellow Inquisitor, Shi Long Lang, who had some sort of important evidence for Edgeworth.40k, Inquisitors, Ace Attorney2010-03-28 0 
8845653Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 2What started off as a clean cut investigation into the murder of Inquisitor Tyrell Badd descends into confusion and tentacle rape.40k, Inquisitors, Ace Attorney, confusion2010-03-29 2 
8884768Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 3The plot continues as our Investigators continue in their quest to root out heresy.40k, Inquisitors, Ace Attorney2010-03-31 2 
April 2010
8904421Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 4Shocking relevations, hand puns, and confusion reign.40k, Ace Attorney, Inquisitors2010-04-01 0 
8923896Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part 5The Acolytes confront Shih-na with the evidence acquired. And stuff it up in epic fashion.40k, Ace Attorney, Inquisitors2010-04-02 4 
8960929Ace Attorney Investigations: 40k, Part FinThe Acolytes get to the root of the cult. Flaming drop pods and warp shenanigans within!40k, Ace Attorney, Inquisitors, PERILS2010-04-04 2 
April 2011
14640441Terms of EnrampagementOP asks how one would run an Archer campaign. Many insightful points are raised.Archer, Dork Heresy, Inquisitors, RPG, 40k2011-04-20 1 
May 2016
60988Star Wars: Imperial Inquisitors QuestNix's storyCollective Game, Star Wars, Inquisitors, Empire, Nix, GermanSchteel2016-05-05 3 
60970Star Wars: Imperial Inquisitors QuestCzartoryski's StoryCollective Game, Star Wars, Inquisitors, Empire, Czartoryski, Observer2016-05-05 1 
November 2018
62990061Fireball System Thread #3VMore work done on Fireball, at first a lot is done but dries up leaving a sole anon to roll a few things out.One is the loneliest number, Chaos, Inquisitors, Marines, Hive City, Lizards, 40k2018-11-14 0 
December 2018
63650808Sector Creation Thread II: Imperial Boogaloo Continued work on the newest SectorInquisitors, Planets, 40k, Marines, Blinding light, Drop Pods, Creatures2018-12-28 1 
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