/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2013
23739669Micro-Nationbuilder I: The RabbitingA brand spanking new nationbuilder with OP's custom programmed map software. Also, rabbits.Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Nationbuilder, Nationbuilder, Kobolds, Rabbits2013-03-18 12 
23743887Micro-Nationbuilder I: Elven hatred and fun times.We continue to expand and meet new friends, our hatred for the elves grow while we develop the seeds of a rabbit themed religion.Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Nationbuilder, Nationbuilder, Kobolds, Rabbits2013-03-18 10 
23758199Micro-Nationbuilder III: Rabbits is comingWe make another friend and gain some gnoll mercenaries. Also, rabbits are effective against elves.Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Nationbuilder, Nationbuilder, Kobolds, Rabbits2013-03-19 7 
23775674Micro-nationbuilder IV: Electric BoogalooThe kobolds and their allies wipe the small nation of elves clean off the map! Will their dwarven and gnoll allies turn on them, will they master science, is the great rabbit real? Find our next time, on Micro Nation Builder!Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Nationbuilder, Nationbuilder, Kobolds, Rabbits2013-03-21 6 
23894273Micro-nationbuilder VII: Elves are dicks editionWorld war happens, the elves return to meet their doom, and the Gnolls assault our valiant allies. Now with less that 40% 'wat game is this'!Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Nationbuilder, Nationbuilder, Kobolds, Rabbits2013-03-27 1 
23944849Micro-nationbuilder IIX: The Gnoll's EndWe finally nail those damn gnolls.MNB, micro-nationbuilder, kobold, rabbit, Collective Game2013-03-30 5 
April 2013
24016125Micro-nationbuilder IX: Finished-too-soon EditionWe continue our story, quickly finding OUTRAEG and VILLAINY, before OP has to go. MNB, nationbuilder, micro-nationbuilder, kobold, rabbit2013-04-03 3 
May 2013
24864344Micro-Civilization: Alternate Story 1CouncilAdvisor trades scales for chitin in this alternate tale of building up a nation of insect people. Starts off with dumbasses in the thread, improves as time goes by.Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Civilization, Civilization Builder, Insects, Trolls2013-05-17 4 
June 2013
25159170Micro-civilisation Thread: ohgodwhy edition In which more computer problems force CouncilAdvisor to start up a new civilization for /tg/ to guide and shape. We go with demon-worshipping saytrs and goblin slaves this time.Collective Game, MNB, NB, Micro-Civilization, Civilization Builder, CouncilAdvisor, Goblins, Saytrs, Demons2013-06-01 0 
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