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February 2013
23173426Harry Potter and the Roleplayers GameMillie is born, luck sucks and OP takes a break,Harry Potter Roleplaying Millicent Wands Wizards 2013-02-15 10 
23177176Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - Millicent leaves for Hogwarts and meets some new peeps.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts2013-02-15 31 
23178823Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2)Millie battles her fears, meets more peeps and gets sorted.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-15 24 
23195523Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (2.5ish)In which we make it through dinner at ravenclaw table then notice our sister sneaking out. SUDDENLY A WILD 4CHIN OUTAGE APPEARS and OP disappears. Archived to protect our progress. Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-16 23 
23211302Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (3)The first day of Millie's adventure draws to a close. Spells go wrong and the DICE GODS shine on us.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-17 22 
23214333Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (4)Millie is fucking awesome at casting. Critically deals with her sis. And writes a letter home to pops.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-17 23 
23232052Millicent Fauxly and the - - - - - - (5)We do awesome in our lessons. Build a stronger relationship with Olivia. And utterly fail to read a book in a library.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-18 22 
23255224Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (6)Millicent accepts Nathaniel (the ghost's) offer to enter the contest and build him a Mannequin.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-19 22 
23275326Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (7)Millicent gets a cold letter from her father.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-20 22 
23296498Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (8)Millie has care of magical creatures. Amongst other things.Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game2013-02-21 22 
23333921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (9)A mystery is afoot dear Nigel!Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 24 
23340997Millicent Fauxley and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (10)Robert who?Harry Potter, Millicent, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts, Harry Potter Quest, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest2013-02-23 22 
23376557Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (11)Millicent gets a lot of stuff done.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 24 
23379273Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (12)This is a short thread following the previous one.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-25 23 
23396314Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (13)Some pew pew wand action.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-26 26 
23419368Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (14)The party comes to an end. Squib rights yo!Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 24 
23436781Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (15)B-E-A-UTIFUL...potion.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-02-28 26 
March 2013
23469498Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (16)Millicent talks to MaudMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 26 
23474605Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (17)paronioaMillicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23478921Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (18)OP needs some rest.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-03 28 
23527208Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (19)A short one from OP.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-06 23 
23582153Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (20)OP returns. Unicorns are had.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, Collective Game2013-03-09 26 
23648685Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (21)Millicent starts to feel the pressure.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-13 22 
23654352Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)Shit gets real.Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-03-13 22 
23670753Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (22)A twist of fate.Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-14 25 
23707397Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (24)Stuff happensCollective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-03-16 24 
23799673Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (25)A short one. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter, Millie2013-03-21 23 
23807714Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw SUDDENLY BALROGS. BALROGS EVERYWHERE. Millicent Fauxly Quest, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-03-22 21 
23874860Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (26)Things got a little too...sexual. Seriously lay of the lesbian action. She's eleven. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Harry Potter2013-03-25 25 
April 2013
24034466Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawBack after a hiatus. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter2013-04-03 23 
24128977Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw*shrugs*Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-08 21 
24151747Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawDecisions, Decisions. A tought situation. Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly Quest, Faux, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24156782Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena RavenclawLate Night OP needs sleep.Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-10 22 
24174222Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw (31)Millicent wakes in the hospital wing and meets a new elfMillicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter2013-04-11 21 
24189163Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 32Spilling the beans. Collective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-12 22 
24224788Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 33I'd slytherin to your bed anyday. collective game, harry potter, millicent fauxly, quest2013-04-14 21 
24264524Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw Consequences of a nat 100Millicent Fauxly, Harry Potter, Collective Game, Quest2013-04-16 21 
24270171Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclawmight be a repost. collective game, millicent fauxly, faux, millie, harry potter, quest2013-04-16 21 
24280330Millicent Fauzly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 37500+ postsCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millie, Quest2013-04-17 20 
24285365Mililcent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 38robert and olivia are awesomecollective game, hp quest, quest, Millicent Fauxly2013-04-17 20 
24300182Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 39Private lessonsHarry Potter, Collective Game. Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-18 21 
24304383Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 40things heat upHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 20 
24307388Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 41stressful stuffCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-18 2 
24320932Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 42The Trident is found. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-19 12 
24325496Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 43The world brightensCollective Game, Harry Potter, Millicent Fauxly, Quest2013-04-19 20 
24346062Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 44A new look on things. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-20 20 
24365720Millicent Fauxly and the Trident of Rowena Ravenclaw 45YEAR ONE OVER. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-21 20 
24387426Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie goes shopping! So fetch. Millicent Fauxly, Collective Game, Harry Potter, Quest Thread2013-04-22 21 
24408631Millicent Fauxly: Year Two Poo Poppin TagsHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-23 20 
24430972Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoShort oneHarry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-24 20 
24467331Millicent Fauxly: Year TwoMillie spills spaghetti. Harry Potter, Collective Game, Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Quest2013-04-26 20 
June 2013
25585458Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillicent Fauxly begins her second year in earnest.Millicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-22 14 
25607134Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year Twomillie in great hallMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-24 10 
25667414Millicent Fauxly Quest: Year TwoMillie in dormMillicent Fauxly, Faux, Millicent, Collective Game, Quest, Harry Potter, Wizard, Witch, HPQuest2013-06-27 11 
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