/qst/ Thread Archive

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October 2013
27556544Salem Institute Quest/tg/ starts a new HP-Verse Quest. We roll a new character and go shopping. After some initial awkwardness we go off to Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia2013-10-04 10 
27608908Salem Institute Quest 2Natalia takes a boat ride and meets a strange girl. Natalia gets sorted. FEAST.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia2013-10-07 8 
27696383Salem Quest 3 (pt. 1)Natalia has a strange dream, visits the great forges, and meets new housemates. Cut short due to 4chan being downCollective Game, Salem Quest, HP Verse, Natalia2013-10-12 7 
27797888Salem Institute Quest 3 (pt 2)Natalia finishes her first day, gains a new look, and weathers further embarassment!Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia2013-10-18 6 
27940585Salem Institute Quest 4Natalia starts her second day of class! She goes to early Dueling practice, and then to Herbology!Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia2013-10-26 7 
27976160Salem Institute Quest 5Natalia tries her hand at Charms, experiences a surprising amount of existential crisis for a ten-year-old, and SUDDENLY: SNOWBALL QUEST Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Snowball Quest2013-10-28 7 
November 2013
28057838Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 1)Natalia wakes up from a disappointing evening. She finds out some alarming news.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-02 6 
28073765Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 2)Natalia goes back to Potions. Later, she overhears something and resolves to act on it. Flying happens. Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-03 5 
28183484Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 3)Natalia goes to dueling and surprises herself. Natalia goes to lunch and meets a new friend.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-09 5 
28219606Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 4Natalia talks to Squall about The Society. Natalia learns about Black Storm. The Gang heads off to investigate the goings-on in Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball2013-11-11 5 
28328254Salem Institute Quest 6: Part 5Natalia and Gang try to break into Starfish House. Later, Todd Quest!Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Todd Quest2013-11-17 5 
28405701Salem Institute Quest 6 (Part 6)A small timeskip occurs. We see how we did in all our classes and get another unusual letter.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia2013-11-21 5 
28441483Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7We get the sniffles. We go to meet Allen after school. Title Screen Unlocked.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-11-23 10 
December 2013
28587615Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 7.1Natalia wakes up. Angela fills her in. They hatch a plan to find Todd.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2013-12-01 5 
January 2014
29264363Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8After a string of technology issues, OP rises like a phoenix. Natalia explores mechanics and confronts an old enemy.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-04 3 
29444142Natalia Jean-Louis and the Mask of Decoudreau 8.2Natalia investigates the strange tunnels, then learns about Halloween celebrations at Salem.Collective Game, HP-Verse, Harry Potter, Salem, Natalia, Snowball, Todd, Salem Quest, Mask of Decoudreau, Mask, Decoudreau2014-01-12 1 
March 2017
1251511Fantasy Crusader Quest #8In which Victor returns to camp, and Natalia tells a story. Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-14 2 
1279234Fantasy Crusader Quest #9Where Natalia finishes telling her story.Crusader, Fantasy Crusader Quest, Victor Reis, Templar, Knight, Elves, Natalia2017-03-24 1 
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