/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2014
33898009EDGY QuestIn which we seek revenge from the ninja rapist cannibal clan that attacked our school, killing our teachers, our friends, and our sister. The same sister that used to rape us daily with her futa cock. Now it's just you, your gun that shoots katanas, and a million ninjas between you and REVENGE. EDGY QUEST, Collective Game, Edge, Ninjas2014-08-05 24 
November 2017
2028627Shinobi Support Quest 1QM introduces Yoko Yamisaki to her team, sensei, and a certain someone on her first week of being a GeninCollective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-05 22 
2061719Support Shinobi Quest 2Yoko Yamisaki goes on a C-rank mission with another team!Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-18 21 
December 2017
2099661Support Shinobi Quest 3Yoko snitches, sees Orochimaru again, is so excited she hisses in her room for a week, and then reenacts Weekend at Bernie's for an arm.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-03 20 
2146766Support Shinobi Quest 4Yoko goes home, discovers a dark family secret, and deals with its fallout.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-22 13 
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