/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2012
21330739Origins 1In which a college-age girl discovers her power as an "Original", while readers discuss how best to reconstruct humanity.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-29 14 
21343783Origins 2In which protagonist Camille tests her limitations, does some detective work, and discovers she isn't alone.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-30 11 
21364241Origins 3In which Camille encounters and faces off with another Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-31 10 
August 2013
26586554Origins 4In which Camille parties hard, and has a short encounter with another Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-13 11 
26625870Origins VIn which Camille and her newfound allies find a hideout, show off, and hone their Origins.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-15 6 
26701251Origins 6 (Part 1)In which Camille and friends receive a beating, and the author is preoccupied.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-19 5 
26753417Origins 6 (Part 2)In which Camille notes her increasing power, plans for the future, and encounters a new Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-22 5 
January 2014
29913775Kaiju Quest: Orgins Part 1 by KaijuMagicWe, The Mighty Crystorok awake from our icy prison and feast upon many fleshlings called Humans. With our telepathic powers we have learned that there exists millions of these tasty Humans. We will go to these Humans, because we HUNGER!Collective Game, Kaiju, Kaiju Quest, KaijuMagic, Kaiju Quest Origins, Tentacles, Crystorok 2014-01-31 20 
February 2014
30000553Kaiju Quest Part 2: Battle in the Antartic by KaijuMagicIn which we make and lose some thralls and absolutely destroy a base and tear a battleship to shreds.Collective Game, Kaiju, Kaiju Quest, KaijuMagic, Kaiju Quest Origins, Tentacles, Crystorok2014-02-04 10 
October 2014
35263604Origins Quest: Continued 1A reboot/continuation of Origins, in which Camille and company have a final showdown with the Original of Chance.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-03 1 
35324492Origins Quest: Continued 2After defeating the Original of Chance, Camille and company attempt to evade the fallout of their actions.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-06 1 
35478893Origins Quest: Continued 3Camille investigates the aftermath of her actions and begins planning long-term goals.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-13 1 
February 2015
38002817Modern Knight Quest #8With our supernatural foes vanquished but our exit sealed we traverse the long dark of the 'Sub Way', where we confess to our new comrade our checkered past...Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Origins2015-02-14 5 
February 2020
4040517Dragon Kazuma, a teenage delinquent from West City High is hired by Bulma to be her bodyguard on her journey to collect the mythical Dragon BallsCollective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins,2020-02-02 12 
4064909Dragon Ball Origins #2Bandit fighting along with bit of princess rescuing and disappointment in authority figure. You know ther regular delinquent stuff. Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins2020-02-19 8 
March 2020
4104814Dragon Ball Origins Quest #3We arrive at a new village and meet a new threat, but unfortunate real life consequences sideline the thread.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins,2020-03-17 3 
January 2023
5489400Dragon Ball Origins # 1The Beginning Adventures of Konzen Douji as he embark on his warrior's journey. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle,2023-01-05 3 
February 2023
5532638Dragon Ball Origins #2Drafted into a partnership with the former lord of time Aeos, Douji finds his soulmate and starts finding something worth fighting for. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-02-06 3 
March 2023
5581367Dragon Ball Origins #3With the sudden appearance of the Demon Queen Mirayo, Douji does a risky move that lands a massive payoff on all fronts. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-03-18 4 
May 2023
5636950Dragon Ball Origins#4Koku disappeared and in his place the warriors of light came to being. Late April Fools gig. Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Origins, DBZ, Collective Game, Martial Arts, Shonen, Tuffle, KokuGM2023-05-20 0 
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