/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2014
30142875Asetroid Explorer 2We build more stuff, an alien kills one of our crew, and we harvest some crystals.Asteroid Quest, Building, Ostrich, Pixel Art, Space, Asteroid,2014-02-10 7 
30232212asteroid explorer 3We build more shit, we fight some aliens, we mine some crystal. asteroid, explorer, colony, Mincorp, Ostrich, Civ, pixel art, Pixel-art, 2014-02-14 4 
30347282asteroid explorer 4We explore the asteroid more, aliens are everywhere, archibald dies, people are generally dissatisfiedOstrich, pixelart, pixel-art, collective game, asteroid, space quest, slugs2014-02-19 4 
February 2017
1091214Kodros 1Pixel art Greek civ threadpixel, civ, ostrich, greece2017-02-01 2 
1188748Kodros 3Greek Civ Quest with Pixel artostrich, pixel, kodros, Greek, civ2017-02-23 1 
March 2017
1228801Commanders of an Evil Empire 1A mass combat game where you're playing the bad guysskirmish mass combat Ostrich Commanders Evil Empire2017-03-08 5 
1244300Commanders of an Evil Empire 2Iverding fallsostrich, skirmish, mass combat, evil, commanders2017-03-16 2 
April 2017
1307704Commanders of an Evil Empire 3The hordes of the Overlord arrive in GrimershallEvil, Commanders, Skirmish, Mass Combat, Ostrich, Evil Empire, Commanders of an Evil Empire2017-04-06 2 
May 2019
3517120Continental Rebellion IElijah Crawford leads Bravuria into rebellion and aids in the siege of ArdadikeCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps 2019-05-23 8 
June 2019
3536994Continental Rebellion IIElijah takes the reformed Bravurian army north and wins the first battle of the Nascent-Territory-campaign single-handedlyCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-04 5 
3557689Continental Rebellion IIThe campaign in the Nascent Territories goes very well until it doesn't. Civ, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-12 2 
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