/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2010
8042226REGINALD BRICKDICKLERA drawfag creates a character by drawing the first thing suggested after each question. Things predictably spiral out of control.BRICKDICKLING, kobold backup singers, pennywhistle, what even the fuck /tg/2010-02-12 22 
May 2011
14997775Vagrant Quest 118 year old Penny, a thief running from a town that falsely accused her of messing with their solar panel finds a new settlement as well as Jim the shopkeeper. We also fixed a tractor and got supplies.Post apocalypse, collective game, quest, Vagrant Quest, thief, Penny2011-05-21 6 
15025659Vagrant Quest IIWe trade away our iPod and headphones for a water purifier and a Leatherman, have a nice bath, helped Jim close up his shop, then go have dinner with the council and learn a bit about the town we are inPenny, Vagrant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, apocalypse, thief2011-05-24 4 
January 2015
37132287Explaining the real world to utopia's nativesOP ask /tg/ how we would explain the IRL world and it's problems to an innocent native of a fantasy realm where bad things can't happen. Writefags arrive and heartwarmingness results.Ethics, writefags, heartwarming, evil, good, Alfred Pennyworth 2015-01-04 7 
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