/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2014
35407266Shitty Spaceship QuirksIn this thread, ideas are brainstormed for various quirks and oddities that crews of old rustbucket spaceships might have to deal with on a regular basis. If there is one thing we know about this universe, it is that /tg/ loves itself its rusty, retro sci-fi grittiness. space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-10-10 32 
November 2014
36164622Shitty Spaceship Quirks: The SequelEven more wonderful ideas for the beat-up and broken spaceships that /tg/ loves.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-11-15 7 
36231345Shitty Spaceship Quirks: AgainYet more ideas for the broken-down flying jalopies that /tg/ calls spaceships.Quirks, space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, old and busted2014-11-20 4 
36308425Positive Starship QuirksPositive spaceship quirks to set off the shitty ones.Quirks, space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, positive, new hotness2014-11-23 2 
December 2014
36990938The Return Of The Son Of Shitty Spaceship QuirksTheBaneblade is back with a belated Christmas edition.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted2014-12-28 6 
January 2017
50965957Ship quirk threadA thread about space ship quirks gives birth to a tiny race called the "Borrowers"Borrowers, space borrowers, space, tiny, aliens, grandma, quirks, pirates, traveller, ai, Cessna2017-01-11 15 
May 2020
72640431Quirks of flying an old, shitty shipAn anon asks how to give character to an old shitty ship. Sailors, air crew, aircraft maintainance crew, historians, and random anons help.space, spacer, space ship, sci-fi, brainstorming, fluff, quirks, old and busted, military, airplane, ocean, ship, aircraft, repair, haunted2020-05-20 9 
December 2021
82606823interesting quirks for ancient vampiresHow would something which had been alive for most of human history act in the modern world?vampires, quirks, history, autism, OCD, thulsa doom, vandal savage,2021-12-22 8 
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