/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2013
22551419Mary Sue disasters (with Richard Priapus )/tg/ swaps stories of mary sues from across the internet, anon steps up with the funniest RP derailing character seen in a long timefreeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 45 
22564075Richard Fontaine 2: Electric BoogalooContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 38 
22570344Richard Fontaine 3: Cuhrayzee EditionContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-14 25 
22743481Mage Quest pt .5The First Half of the First Thread in what will hopefully be a long running series.Mage Quest, Imp, Richard, Story Book, Collective Game2013-01-23 4 
22795577Richard Fontaine 4: The Dick of Astral FireContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-26 22 
July 2015
40955550A Dark Room (Richard Quest)A young man stands in a dark room. It is not his birthday.richard quest,collective game,richardquest,mspa,homestuck2015-07-02 2 
December 2017
2109440War of the Roses #1Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England?War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-09 7 
2140770War of the Roses #2The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-17 4 
January 2018
2182202War of the Roses #3Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-05 3 
2221499War of the Roses #4Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continueWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-22 3 
February 2018
2257833War of the Roses #5Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of PlymouthWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-03 1 
2312979War of the Roses #6A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-23 1 
March 2018
2351933War of the Roses #7Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-03-02 2 
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