/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2017
2113586I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 1Yamada Ken awakens, finding himself a Mob Character in Nakamura Eiji's haremMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-03 33 
2124512I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 2A lunch with the class rep, a pseudo-confession, and the meeting with your "little brother"Mob Character Quest, Harem, Romcom, Anime2017-12-08 24 
2129167I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 3A nightmare, Hikaru's request, and the grand entrance of Nakahara Fumi.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-13 20 
2140883I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 4Ryou's request, Hanazawa's proposition, and trying to figure out [BAD END]Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-15 14 
2144886I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 5The battle against the collective, and a confession.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2017-12-23 9 
January 2018
2168515I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 6A close brush with [Erasure], and a strange alliance.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-06 7 
2203697I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 7Yukio, and the collective gets bolder.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-17 6 
2238261I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 8The real culprit, and the wrath of Nakahara FumiMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-01-24 8 
March 2018
2332216I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 9Monday morning: strange visitors, stranger proposal.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-03-06 8 
September 2018
2840338I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 10The legend of Jigokuyama, the [Damned], and Nakahara FumiMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-05 5 
2863456I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 11Grocery shopping, Hokkaido, and a mysterious transfer studentMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-16 6 
2893024I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 12Bitchy angel, visiting Hanazawa, kid-brother cockblock, then a discovery.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-09-29 4 
October 2018
2975554I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 13Trip preparation, home invasion, blackmail & extortion, Initial D to destination, and computer dysfunction.Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-10-28 3 
December 2018
3101781I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 14Hokkaido trip, ghosts, a fight, and the balanceMob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2018-12-21 2 
January 2019
3159719I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?! 15A short thread of playing in the water with class rep - but the test of courage looms...Mob Character Quest, Harem, RomCom, Anime2019-01-20 1 
September 2021
4942283Born Irrelevant #1Aware in a world that barely acknowledges him, Asa Minoru becomes involved in a mystery involving the Cast the world serves.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Mystery, Anime, RomCom2021-09-03 6 
December 2021
5026018Born Irrelevant #2Time skip happens, QM decides to drop the quest due to getting bad luck since starting it.Born Irrelevant, Mob Character, Myster, Anime, RomCom2021-12-10 3 
April 2022
5174317The Little Dungeon That Could #3It's a large, wondrous world out there. How horrible. Won't somebody think of the goblins?The Little Dungeon That Could, Dungeon, Dungeon Keeper, D&D, Base Building, Romcom2022-04-05 16 
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