/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2014
36731503Sword Art Online: Samuel's StoryAnother SAO quest, this time without a clusterfuck of character generation. Samuel logs into SAO and does stuffSword Art Online, Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story, SAO, Collective Game2014-12-13 6 
36745985Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 2We get a pimpin' new coat, channel our inner berserker, beat overgrown bugs with our bare hands, and become big damn heroes to two scrubs.collective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2014-12-14 6 
36840855Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 3The dangers are made clear after a loss but it only steels our resolve.collective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2014-12-19 10 
36867798Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 4We finish up our quests, get some new gear, and prepare to head towards the dungeon.collective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2014-12-21 7 
36883613Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 5The dice gods spare a party member, we play truth and dare, finally reach Horunka, become blacksmith apprentices, and find out that, indeed, Kobolds a shit.collective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2014-12-22 6 
36902139Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 6We brutally slaughter a horde of kobolds and face off against a lizard dragon miniboss thing. The dice gods also fuck with OP.collective game, sword art online quest, sao, kayaba akihiko2014-12-22 6 
January 2015
37140820Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 8We butcher some tentacle worm things, timeskip, and purchase some new equipment in preparation for Illfang. (Last thread: https://archive.moe/tg/thread/36935336/)collective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2015-01-04 3 
37202465Sword Art Online: Samuel's Story 9We play as the worlds best pet, then make a guildcollective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2015-01-07 1 
37245355SAO Quest; Samuel's Story 10We start Shadowruns and plan to end a guildcollective game, sword art online, sao, samuel, kayaba akihiko2015-01-09 1 
September 2016
592338GGO Quest #1In which xxharambelivesxx completes a tutorial and learns he is the luckiest man in the world and meets two waifubaits.SAO, GGO, quest, revolver ocelot, xxharambelivesxx2016-09-19 3 
608029GGO Quest #2: Magnum Panther EditionWe shoot a guy in real life, Kimi gets jailed, you have a date with a government agent in the morning.SAO, GGO, quest, Anno, Kimi, woops you did it again, xxharambelivesxx2016-09-25 3 
March 2019
3278440Flamboyant Jumpchain Quest #01We create our character and stab the digital wildlife for exp. Jumpchain SAO Fantasy Action2019-03-05 0 
January 2021
4555200Sword Art Online: Foreign #1Wide data-miner ISN'T stuck in SAO, steals from a corpse, pretends to be an NPC, gets Shanghai'd by the government to help out. Sword Art Online Foreign, Sword Art Online, Quest, sao, SAOF, 4reign, Collective Game2021-01-03 0 
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