/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2014
30279563Bone Mage Quest 1We start things off by killing a giant stone beetle. Exposition occurs.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-17 20 
30304822Bone Mage Quest 2Arriving at the port city, we learn our master is acquainted with the rules of nature.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-18 13 
30329964Bone Mage Quest 3Volkov starts to get to the bottom of the revolution, thread gets cut short by exhaustion.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-19 11 
30400566Bone Mage Quest 4Volkov makes a deal with a skeleton, fights a boss.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-02-22 11 
March 2014
30556412Bone Mage Quest 5Volkov goes a few more rounds against the vice-captain, has master finish him off.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-01 11 
30661717Bone Mage Quest 6The Rebellion is ended, Volkov and master go home.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-06 11 
30799023Bone Mage Quest 7Volkov gets home; Gets paid and makes a bitching gunBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-13 10 
30963634Bone Mage Quest 8Volkov picks up a contract, gets on a boat and things happen.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-21 8 
31026049Bone Mage Quest 9Cultists attack the boat, Volkov nearly gets bisected.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-24 8 
31138438Bone Mage Quest 10We make it through the return trip and get payed. Also training and character developmentBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-03-30 7 
April 2014
31287379Bone Mage Quest 11Voklov has some time to reflect on his past, picks up a new contractBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-06 7 
31417312Bone Mage Quest 12Volkov finishes up his maintenance job and then gets some bad newsBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-12 7 
31459312Bone Mage Quest 13Shopping and equipment upgradesBone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-14 6 
31480159Bone Mage Quest 14A new contract is taken. Volkov works with other mages for once.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-04-15 6 
31713995Swordless Sage Quest 1Hector, the MC, has his family business wrecked. He seeks restitution for it.Saucy, Swordless Sage Quest, Unarmed Swordsage, Martial Arts, Collective Game2014-04-26 5 
May 2014
31832413Bone Mage Quest 15An attack on the mansion Volkov was hired to protect.Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-01 5 
32307536Bone Mage Quest 16Boss Fight!Bone Mage Quest, bone, mage, Saucy, collective game2014-05-24 8 
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