/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2015
38025497DBZ Human Quest #63Kaguya spars with Krillin, patches things up with Gohan, and goes on a nice relaxing camping trip. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Frieza, Cooler, Salza, Dore, Neiz, Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Icarus, Oolong, sentai2015-02-13 12 
February 2016
45711577Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 4, Part 1We take our physical exam and meet more new heroes. The thread gets cut short cause no one showed up.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-02-29 3 
March 2016
45803452Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 4, Part 2We give some good advice, and have some bad injuries, and some weird revelations.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-03-05 2 
45927028Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 5We find someone to beat up, and someone to love.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, harem2016-03-11 5 
46017700Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 6We come head-to-head with the Union, and learn how far this fight will take us.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-15 2 
46100310Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 7We go on a date, and have some bad decisions to make.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-19 2 
46188204Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 8We do something ambiguous, and something whole-heartedly.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, harem2016-03-23 2 
April 2016
46380019Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 9We confront Paragon Supreme himself.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot2016-04-01 2 
46530151Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: KnightmareWe cut back to focus on the enigmatic enemy of the Peacekeeper's.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, Interlude Episode2016-04-08 2 
46696515Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 10We face off against Ivory and come to grips with what we're meant to do.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, Plot2016-04-16 2 
46758297Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 10 Part 2We do some crime fighting and move onto the next arc.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai2016-04-19 2 
46908531Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest Interlude Episode: Ivory MoonWe take a look at the origin of our greatest rival.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot, Interlude Episode2016-04-26 2 
May 2016
44321Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest 11We go into the underground fight club to beat out some info.Collective Game, Hot-Blooded Henshin Hero Quest, Sentai, plot2016-05-03 1 
August 2017
1746252Digimon Trigger Quest: Episode 1Initializing. A new adventure begins. A Hero chooses a blue speedster and a training mission goes awry.Collective Game, Digimon, World Trigger, Crossover, Sentai, Action, Sci-Fi2017-08-07 1 
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